We were honored to have Tim join us today to talk about the office of the mayor.
  • A Mayor in PA used to be called a Burgess.
  • The term of office is 4 years (no known term limits). The first Mayor of Hatboro was James Eaton (Eaton Park is named after him)
  • What are some duties of the current Mayor??  administer oaths and proclamations; assist the borough emergency manager; preserve order in the borough; report to council on the state of the borough; has control of the police department; can appoint special police; control over school crossing guards; enforce laws; declare emergencies; perform weddings; and approve tax ordinance.
  • One of his primary jobs is Public Relations.
  • Tim is working toward reducing the carbon footprint both in his own home and in the borough.
  • Most interesting duty so far..spending 11 hours in the police station during the hurricane and then touring the borough after the storm.
  • to learn more about Tim, please go to https://myhatboro.org/mayor/