Posted on Sep 01, 2021
Karen explained to the club that she was a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. She explained Jin Shin Jyutsu self help will give you the awareness and the know how you need so that you can benefit from it for the rest of your life!
Karen described this self help as a form of 'Acupressure with the fingers', but it involves no manipulation, pressure or massage, so it is safe for everybody from 0 to 100+ years of age! 
This level of self help  forms part of the Ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, which harmonizes and balances the life energy in the body by using the fingers and hands (over clothing) to alleviate symptoms of discomfort and disharmony.
This 'energy medicine' is a gentle, yet effective and powerful tool for health and well-being which is simple to learn, and its’ beneficial effects are usually felt immediately.
This powerful aid is ready and available to every single one of us - just by knowing where to put your hands on your body you can manage your everyday stresses and pains, restore and maintain your energy levels, boost your immune system and much more!
The key to self help is the fingers. Holding each one can help regenerate all of our 144,000 energy functions. Karen explained that the body has 26 energy safety locks and that holding certain parts of the body releases them, similar to locks in a canal allowing water to flow.
Karen had club members practice:
"Take a few deep exhales to calm yourself.  Relax your neck and shoulders, perhaps drop your head.  Eyes may be open or closed.  Do what feels right for you.
Of course, you would hold the finger for the emotion you’re feeling stuck in…but this morning…we are just going to run through straight through them together…so let’s go!
I can talk while you’re holding.
Take one hand and hold the THUMB of the other hand. 
It doesn’t matter which hand.
Hold the thumb if you are experiencing worry or depression.
Are you having difficulty going to or staying asleep? Try holding farther into the base of the thumb.
While holding, you may feel light pulsation in the fingers.
You may have gurgling sensations in the abdomen as the digestive system relaxes.  Pain levels may lessen.
You may feel drowsy.  You may suddenly feel alert.
Wait and notice.   (STOMACH)
Now, hold the INDEX finger.
 Are you experiencing fear, anxiety, or are you overwhelmed? Do you dread speaking in front o a group or taking a test? This finger will help balance, freedom from fear is restored.
Are you irritable or angry?  Move to the MIDDLE finger.
Do you feel the need to control all situations?  Maybe your life feels out of your control.  Do you feel emotionally frozen?  In balance, one is more accepting of the present situation and compassionate towards others, including yourself.
Do you have deep long-lasting sadness or grief?  Hold your RING finger.  Do you cry easily when it doesn’t feel appropriate?  Are you longing for the way life used to be?  In balance, one can release the deep sense of loss and become receptive to the “new” as joy returns.  (LUNGS, RESPIRATORY)
(Good to hold on walks and running.)
And finally, do you say “yes” to everything to please others? Grab your LITTLE finger. Are you overdoing it?  Would you call yourself a perfectionist?  In balance, judgement and self-criticism become intuition, inspiration and a more loving acceptance of yourself and others. (HEART)
I also hold one of my little fingers when I feel overwhelmed or have heart palpitations.
I know that holding fingers might seem like a novel approach to improving your health but wouldn't you feel empowered if you could restore your energy levels, boost your immune system and relieve common stress-related conditions like headaches, migraines, backache, anxiety, aches and pains and much more, just by knowing where to put your hands on your body?
If you use this easy step-by-step self help method on a daily basis, you'll have more energy and you'll also feel AND look better! Remember that you have this available to you right now, ready and waiting to be used, so start right now. You have everything to gain.
Use your hands to help yourself today!                        Be the smile.  :)"