ENDING THE SILENCE! today we welcomed Laura Pepe the Coordinator of Bucks County NAMI and Nicholas Emeigh the Outreach and Development Director of Bucks County NAMI. NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for millions of people affected by mental illness. they provide education,advocacy and support for those living with mental illness. They do educational programs to students, staff and teachers at the middle and high school levels. Suicide awareness is done at all school levels. Nicholas gave an excellent talk on his personal journey and as a result others in the audience opened up about people they knew and their struggles...isn't that what awareness and ending the silence does? Opens dialog and works toward fighting the stigma of mental illness. This was an excellent program. Please visit their website https://namibuckspa.org/ for more information on their programs and how to contact them. Please join NAMI for their 5k walk for Mental Health on May 18 at 1pm at Warminster Community Park. If you can't walk, would like to see what other things will be happening at the walk or would like to make a monetary donation, please go to this website http://www.namibucksstride.org/. Thank you both for this excellent and informative presentation.