SPEAKER: Dr. Margaret Fitzpatrick..Willow Grove PT
Managing Balance, Dizziness and Pain. BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is the most common cause of vertigo(dizziness)in adults. Do you feel like you are spinning when you turn your head in certain directions? The cause of BPPV is the displacement of calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear. When those crystals move into the semicircular canals, they stimulate cells which transmit information to the brain, making you feel like you are moving.  There is help in the form of a simple procedure called the Epley Maneuver which involves a series of movements each followed by a 30 second pause, to allow gravity to move the crystals out of semicircular canal and back into their proper place. It is non-invasive, safe and effective with one treatment . It is important to treat quickly and avoid disruption of your normal activities. If this is left untreated it could lead to falls and immobility. Please visit their website http://www.willowgrovept.com/index.html for more information on their services, patient education and staff.