Rotarians At Work

Rotarians At WorkOur club's February service project was in support of Bux-Mont Meals on Wheels, located in Hatboro. Rotarians collected an assortment of individually wrapped, shelf stable foods and packed 50+ emergency snack bags. Meals on Wheels deliver these essential bags ahead of long weekends or anticipated storms to ensure that their clients have access to food when regular deliveries may be disrupted. ![]() |
Rotarians At Work | 2025-02-05 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary FoundationHatboro Rotary's contributions to the Rotary Foundation make a huge impact in our community and around the world. Our club is proud to have so many Paul Harris Fellows who contribute at varying levels. Today, at our club meeting, Katrina, our Rotary Foundation Chairperson, is proud to present Tom with his Paul Harris Fellow x5 pin. Congratulations to Tom! ![]() |
Rotary Foundation | 2025-01-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Super Bowl Squares Fundraiser![]() Select your squares, on our Super Bowl Squares Fundraiser and WIN! $100 first quarter $150 half time $100 third quarter $200 end of game Here is how it works:
Super Bowl Squares Fundraiser | Gary Chamberlain | 2024-12-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Super Bowl Squares FundraiserSelect your squares, on our Super Bowl Squares Fundraiser and WIN! $100 first quarter $150 half time $100 third quarter $200 end of game Here is how it works:
Super Bowl Squares Fundraiser | Gary Chamberlain | 2024-12-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Rotary 2024 Holiday Party![]() |
Hatboro Rotary 2024 Holiday Party | Gary Chamberlain | 2024-12-10 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Welcome to our STEM YEA StudentsToday we welcomed Monica and Annelise and their parents. These are 8th graders at Keith Valley and were recommended by their teachers to attend the Stem yea Academy due to their interest and aptitude for science, technology, engineering and math The girls enjoyed the program at the College and gave a nice presentation regarding the program: Highlights:
Welcome to our STEM YEA Students | 2024-11-07 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Good Morning Rotarians!
Good Morning Rotarians! | 2024-10-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Club AssemblyToday we had a club assembly to keep us informed of the work our club is doing and/or working on. Its a great time for any club member to ask questions, make suggestions and move our club forward Members also spent time to discuss membership. To those non members, please come join us for breakfast at the dish on Wednesday mornings at the at 7:30 AM. Stay tuned to this site for announcements of upcoming events. Notice to members: the club Board minutes will be emailed to you ...
Club Assembly | 2024-10-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Afternoon at the theater |
Afternoon at the theater | 2024-10-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Hatboro Horsham Educational Foundation
Hatboro Horsham Educational Foundation | 2024-10-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Happy birthday
Happy birthday | 2024-10-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Upcoming Service Activities
Upcoming Service Activities | 2024-10-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Congrats to President Barbara RCongratulations to Rotarian Barbara R who became our new president for the remainder of the year. We wish her well! We also wish our past Pres Alex the best. Come visit us any time! Upcoming Events:
Congrats to President Barbara R | 2024-10-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Chief Mark Ruegg..Hatboro police chiefVery Happy to Welcome Hatboro Police Chief Mark Rugg back to our club. Since he became Chief, many things are happening. They are now fully Staffed at 16..12 are patrol and others are Detectives ,fill ins and various other duties. Some updates:
Chief Mark Ruegg..Hatboro police chief | 2024-10-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
DG Kate Farrell Visits Hatboro!So we were honored to have the DG Kate come to Lobster Pot and also have breakfast with us on Weds. Morning. Kate has been a member of the Warminster Rotary for 18 years and prior to becoming our DG, she was the district Foundation Chair. But that has not been her only position in the District. She has served on many committees. Kate spent some time talking about our Current International President Stephanie Ur chick Membership is always a great topic and Kate didn't Disappoint. The goal is always to increase membership and she shared what some other clubs are doing including starting a sat alight club at one of the Senior living centers. There are many who live in these senior centers but still have much to give to Rotary and the surrounding area. Upcoming events: Race to zero...we continue to try to reduce the number of polio cases to zero and we did come very close but since the current conflicts in the world, two children have gotten polio. But we won't give up. District Conference... will take place in Apr at the Hershey Lodge. Bring the family and spend a day or two at the park. Peace is another big topic in Rotary.. Did you know there are 7 Peace Center in the world?? Mental Health will continue to be a focus for Rotary Thank you DG Kate for your vist! |
DG Kate Farrell Visits Hatboro! | 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
http://Steaks on the grill!![]() ![]() ![]() |
http://Steaks on the grill! | Barbara Schupeltz | 2024-09-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
LobsterPot!Our sincere thanks to everyone, adults, kids, and even some cute dogs for attending our annual lobsterpot.... We did have a few raindrops (okay, more then a few) but it didn't last long. The sun came out and the most beautiful rainbow appeared. It was perfect! But a little chilly. Quite a few people stopped after the meal to let us know how good it was. I did not see too many people leaving so I guess they stayed for the raffle drawing. We do have pictures on our Rotary FB page so please check it out. Our District Governor Kate Farrell joined us and even won some prizes, Will try to post some pictures here next week... Again, THANK YOU all for supporting Rotary. ![]() |
LobsterPot! | 2024-09-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
THANK YOU!Thank you to ALL our great sponsors. We appreciate your support of the Hatboro Rotary as we continue to support the Community. See you all at Lobster Pot!! Here is the list of sponsors for Lobster Pot: Hatboro Federal Savings Hatboro Cemetery Hatboro Lumber Elm Street Hatboro Delaware Valley Concrete Duffy North Powell Electric Schneider Funeral Home Braccia Builders Dr Cohen, Armstrong, Colt Ophthalmology |
THANK YOU! | 2024-09-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Reminder! Lobster Pot is this Sat. Rain or shine!!
Birthdays/Anniversaries | 2024-09-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Diane Hegele.. All about the BoroughToday we welcomed back former Rotarian Diane Hegele to update us on the Borough Happenings.
Diane Hegele.. All about the Borough | 2024-08-15 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
EVENING SOCIAL Jul 24It was great to get together at Steel Penny Cafe for our weekly social. Great to see so many club members attending! ![]() |
EVENING SOCIAL Jul 24 | 2024-07-31 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Meals on WheelsSPEAKER: Joe Kircher Meals on wheels is a non profit that delivers meals every day to elders and those who are homebound. It is good for those who are homebound to have contact with someone on a daily basis and the person delivering is happy to visit while delivering meals. Meals on wheels receives food donations from many local food sources. Wegman's is the primary supplier of the daily meals, however they also receive food from WAWA, Giant and other local businesses. In the near future they expect to move from their current location to a new location at the Pennypack community building where they will prepare the meals and also have a permanent home. They currently have about 90 volunteers and if you are interested in volunteering, please contact them .
Meals on Wheels | 2024-07-31 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotarian Nancy Venner ...A Step Up AcademySPEAKER: NANCY VENNER This morning we welcomed Rotarian Nancy Venner to the club to share information about A STEP UP ACADEMY. A school for Children with matter where on the spectrum . They do accept other students who may have other health impairments such as ADHD ,speech impairments. emotional disturbance among other conditions. It is an integrative educational program for those with Autism. It is a school for Children, and young adults on the autism spectrtum in preschool through 12th grade. The school was founded by Karen Misher in 2013 with 2 students (her children). The Academy prepares the students to become engaged in society through programs such as academic; social; emotional and behavioral programs. The vision is to prepare the students for the world and the world for the students. The staff cares about their students. their mission is to help the child/young adult feel safe, loved and educated. Please visit their website for more information. Currently operating out of two separate facilities, they are soon to be moving into another building which will be large enough to have ALL their students in one building!
Rotarian Nancy Venner ...A Step Up Academy | 2024-07-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
George LewisGEORGE LEWIS Celebration of Life Saturday July 13th 1pm to 4 pm Giuseppe's Pizza 1380 Street Road, Warminster Pa 18974
George Lewis | 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
HATBORO HAPPENINGSWhat is going on in OUR town? July 11 Yoga 6:30 $5 (Library) 19 Cruise Night 8-5PM Music in the Meadow 5:30 to 8:30 20 Community Market 9-12 Church of Advent take out meal 3:30-5:30 27 Library: Water Color Work shop 10:30 Moonlight Memories Car Show 5pm-10 pm AUG 3 Community Market 9-12 pm Cressbrook Fundraiser for SGT Bruckner 3-8 PM To All of our Rotary Family that is traveling ...we wish you safe journeys!! |
HATBORO HAPPENINGS | 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Congrats Hatboro rotaryHatboro Rotary has long been a supporter of ShelterBox and last year was no different. Thanks to the generosity of District 7430 Rotarians and Clubs, we are the leading District in the US in Donations to ShelterBox. There are 3 categories of donations: Gold ($.5,000);Silver ($3000);Bronze (1000.00) Out of 114 clubs in our District, Hatboro is one of three clubs in Silver Category. Thank you Hatboro /Rotarians!
Congrats Hatboro rotary | 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Birthdays and Anniversaries | 2024-07-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Scott Rosen,,..Human (HR) ResourcesTransforming Human Resources: Scott Rosen Taken from the Rosen Group website What can the Rosen Group do for you? The Rosen Group provides direct hire and contract placement of Human Resource professionals at all experience levels, specializing in recruiting, compensation, benefits, HR technology, payroll, labor relations, training & development and employee relations. Our network of talent consists of thousands of highly qualified, pre-screened talent ready to hit the ground running. We operate more like a consulting firm than a staffing firm so we have adopted a container and exclusive contingency approach to our work. This allows us to deliver a much higher quality of service compared to traditional contingency firms.Transforming HR is a service of the Rosen Group that provides a guided approach for small to medium sized companies to build or transform their HR departments to impact the bottom line. Most leaders think of HR as an expense. However, when you think of Human Resources as intentionally as you do Sales, Marketing and Operations, you’ll find that HR can have an enormous impact on your ROI and your company’s bottom line. Now there’s a proven approach to improving your HR department’s performance, ability to attract and maintain high quality staff, and contribute more meaningfully to your company’s success. 6 Steps to transforming your HR department. 1. Assessment 2. Right People Right Seats 3. HR Stategic Plan 4. Establish KPLS (Key Performance Indicators) 5. Benchmark 6. Best Practices by Function Build or transform your HR department which unleashes the power of the people throughout you entire organization. For more information regarding what they off please visit their website Ther is very interesting information on the website. Such as some of the innovations in the HR Departments. Flexible HR departments. Understanding Key Performance Indicators: HR Department Yearly Award. You cannot go wrong by looking at their website. Thank you Scott for the interesting presentation. |
Scott Rosen,,..Human (HR) Resources | 2024-07-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Hatboro Rotary Academic Scholarship Winner - Avery Daniels![]() Our club members were happy to welcome to our morning meeting Avery Daniels, the recipient of Hatboro Rotary 2024 4-Year Academic Scholarship, along with her mother, Kathleen. Avery will be attending Villanova in the fall of 2024. Avery will be working towards her degree in Business Administration and has high aspirations to pursue a career as a Lawyer post-graduation. Avery's accomplishments during her time at Hatboro Horsham have reflected nothing short of impressive and humbling. Avery acted as the Co-President of Partnership - a volunteer organization at Hatboro Horsham High School that travels once a month to the Broad Street Ministry in Philadelphia along with hosting community clothing drives. Avery also served as the president of Helping Little Hands - a volunteer organization that aims to help younger individuals combat illnesses through rock painting activities and drives. This organization works directly with the MIP Foundation. Avery's participation during her time at Hatboro Horsham High School includes several other major accomplishments including, but not limited to: Social Media Officer for Student Council, Captain of Mock Trial, Co-Captain of Black Dance Team, Link Crew Leader, being a recognized member of the National Honor Society, along with Interning at the Pennsylvania General Attorney's office based out of Philadelphia during the summer leading into her Senior Year. We have no doubt that Avery is going to continue on the path of success as she begins her time as an undergraduate student at Villanova and we wish here the best of luck with all of her future endeavors! (Permission to use Avery's photo on this page was granted by herself and her mother, Kathleen)
Hatboro Rotary Academic Scholarship Winner - Avery Daniels | 2024-06-26 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Welcome Incoming 2024-2025 Hatboro Rotary President: Alex Myers![]() It is with great honor and privilege to welcome the incoming 2024-2025 Hatboro Rotary Club President, Alex Myers. This morning, June 26th, 2024, the changeover between Past President, Lisa Grace, and Incoming President, Alex Myers was witnessed by all present members of Hatboro Rotary. Alex has been a crucial and active club member, board member, and volunteer for some time with Hatboro Rotary. There is no doubt that with Alex as acting president, the Hatboro Rotary Club and its members will be led by an individual that truly lives by the definition of Service Above Self. Alex discussed his outlined goals for his year as president along with his enthusiasm for what we can accomplish in the upcoming year as an organization. We look forward to seeing all of the wonderful additions that Alex will bring to the club during his year as acting president!
Welcome Incoming 2024-2025 Hatboro Rotary President: Alex Myers | 2024-06-26 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention & Jack Duffy 5k - Colleen Duffy
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on Jun 12, 2024
Colleen Duffy presented to Hatboro Rotary on why the Jack Duffy 5K and an overview of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Colleen explained why she is involved in suicide prevention. Her son Jack suffered from clinical depression, and just after his 20th birthday he died from suicide. ![]() Jack Duffy 1999 - 2019 Jack was a brilliant student, a gifted athlete, and a genuine friend. He graduated with a Scholar’s Diploma from Hatboro-Horsham High School in 2017 and started at Dartmouth College that fall. In the meantime, he taught himself to code and developed several website businesses based on his desire to “serve, help, and empower others.” He took time off from college to travel and focus on his entrepreneurial endeavors. But Jack’s brilliant mind was suffering from clinical depression, and just after his 20th birthday he died from suicide. Jack will always be remembered by those who loved him and were touched by his kindness, sharp intellect, and unique insights - well beyond his years.
Greater Philadelphia Chapter: •1 of 73 AFSP chapters, which are in all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico •Supports all 5 counties of Greater Philadelphia area •Bucks •Chester •Delaware •Montgomery •Philadelphia Why We Fight Suicide: •Suicide is a leading cause of death in the US, with over 49,000 Americans dying each year •Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for those aged 10 – 34 •It is estimated that there are 25 suicide attempts for each death, or more than 1 million attempts per year •Over half of US adults have been affected by suicide How We Fight for the Cause: ![]() ![]() |
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention & Jack Duffy 5k - Colleen Duffy | Gary Chamberlain | 2024-06-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Club of Hatboro Procedure Manual - Barbara Rudakevych
Posted by Gary Chamberlain
At the January 2023 Board meeting the board agreed that a new Procedure Manual should be created, and that Directors touch base with committee chairs, to ask they submit procedures to them. These would then be placed in a shared file. In September 2023 Barbara Rudakevych volunteered to take what had been placed in the shared file and start the process of creating the Procedure Manual. Barbara contacted Board Advisor Russ Fairlie and other board members for input on the manual. Barbara then used the updated procedures from the shared drive, some old procedures, and the club's constitution and byelaws to create a manual for the board to review. The manual followed the club’s Organization Chart’s Avenues of Service (Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, International Service, Youth Service). The manual showed some descriptions/procedures for Board Positions, Club Operations, Club Committees and a Member Directory. This manual was then shared with the club electronically for members to review and comment on. At today's meeting Barbara presented the Procedure Manual to the club. Barbara handed out the Procedure Manual Table of Contents and then read out different procedures and asked members to where they thought these procedures could be found in the manual, Gary was very good at this! Barbara then displayed the manual and explained that by clicking within the table of contents would take you directly to that section. Barbara explained that this was a living document, and changes could be made through herself, Lisa and Alex. Procedures that were missing could still be submitted to her. Barbara would also send out directions on how to access the Procedure Manual in the member section of our website. Linda explained to the club how much work had gone into this project, and the club thanked Barbara for all her hard work.
Rotary Club of Hatboro Procedure Manual - Barbara Rudakevych | Gary Chamberlain | 2024-06-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Sad News to ReportIt is with great sadness that we report the death of Rotarian George Lewis. George was a very integral part of our club and a wonderful supporter of Rotary. He was generous man who gave so much to this community and to rotary. Although George and his wife moved to Florida, he never left Rotary and became an active member of a Rotary Club in Florida, you will be missed George both Here and in Florida. ![]() |
Sad News to Report | 2024-05-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB and COMMUNITY | 2024-05-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
HealthLink Dental Clinic..Rick JamesSPEAKER: Rotarian Rick James Have you heard of Healthlink Dental Clinic?? HealthLink is a free dental clinic serving uninsured, low wage-earning adults and military veterans in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. This clinic is staffed by a group of volunteer Dentists who provide care to those 18 and older who have no dental insurance; may or may not be working or are a Military Veteran. Household income must be below certain limits.(more information on their website) Those limits are based on the number of people in the household. For more information, please follow the link to their website. Do you have questions? Give them a call HealthLink Dental Clinic (215) 364-4247. This is a great program for those who thought they would have to go without care because of finances. Thanks Rick for the presentation.
HealthLink Dental Clinic..Rick James | 2024-05-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Montco Trail Challenge... Laura WilliamsonSpeaker: Laura Williamson It was a pleasure to have Laura with us this morning to talk about the Montco Trail Challenge and the goal to get people in Montgomery County Moving! So, turn off the TV, get the dog and a couple of kids and get out and walk!! The 2024 challenge runs from April 27 to December 2, 2024. you can register online. There are 18 trails participating and 3 open spaces so you can choose a trail somewhere else and still get credit. There are those who have recorded having better mental health as a result of participation. You can walk, run, bike, skip or just find the trail, mark down the symbol and leave. The goal is to get people outside and moving! Many of the trails connect so you can do more than one trail at a time. I have personally done the Challenge twice and I can honestly say I always felt better. I called it my Happy Place! My dog loved walking the trail, sniffing new smells and rolling in the grass. Every trail has a symbol which you need to record to get credit. Symbols could be a fox, a deer or many other animals. Part of the fun was always trying to find the symbol!! For more information www.montgomerycountypa.gove/challenge |
Montco Trail Challenge... Laura Williamson | 2024-05-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Thank you Pres LisaEvents do not just magically happen. It takes a lot of work, planning, selling tickets. delivering tickets, wrapping prizes and a host of other things. This past weekend we had our second annual Bingo in the borough at Penny Pack. It was a huge success! and we stand to have raised a lot of money to use to support the community. Special thanks to President Lisa (and her husband Alex) who single handedly did a lot of the work and that is not to take anything away from her crew of are an amazing team! Thank you all!
Thank you Pres Lisa | 2024-05-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Community HappeningsThis is a busy weekend in the Borough
Community Happenings | 2024-05-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Club NewsCongrats to our club members
Club News | 2024-05-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Thank You Everyone!Sincere thanks to everyone who attended the 2nd Annual Rotary Bingo in the Borough! By the noise in the room, it seems everyone was having a great time! We do appreciate the support as we utilize these funds to help our community, Special thanks to President Lisa and her wonderful crew!
Thank You Everyone! | 2024-05-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Club | 2024-05-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
PHF-2..Karen White Kearns![]() Congratulations to Rotarian Karen Kearns for achieving her second Paul Harris Fellow. Thank you for your support of Rotary Programs Projects.
PHF-2..Karen White Kearns | 2024-05-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Lehman Food Pantry,, Charles LockardSPEAKER: Former Rotarian Charles Lockard We were happy to welcome back Charles to give us an update on the food Pantry at Lehman Church. It is important to note that all the local and surrounding food pantries work together, along with the community. Most are a part of the Montco Hunger Network and readily talk about needs and resources. The Lehman Pantry is open 3 days in the morning (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday). Approximately 40-60 people per week utilize the pantry. The pantry (and others in the area) are basically stocked through donations. The Boy scouts do a very successful food drive during the year and also collect items during local events. Businesses' in town hold food drives as well as other organizations. We would not be able to help feed people without those donations. Lehman supports people who live within a 5-mile radius of the Church. If someone came in that lives outside that area, the staff will help them find the closest pantry to their home and also give some things t take home. The pantry is staffed by volunteers so if you are interested in helping out, come to the pantry on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday between 9:30 and 12. Thank you Charles for the update
Lehman Food Pantry,, Charles Lockard | 2024-05-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ARE YOU NUTZ about POPCORN?SPEAKER: Lynnette Smith, owner of Nutz about Popcorn Accompanied by Nate her right hand hard worker! Do you LOVE popcorn? Lynnette has been in business for 6 years right here in Hatboro. With over 130 flavors of popcorn, you can't go wrong. Small cans, medium cans. and big can't go wrong. Much of her business is done online. Orders come in from many places for popcorn for an any event..they are happy to accommodate. Having a fund raiser? The process is easy:
There are many occasions to celebrate and Nutz about popcorn can help you; all you have to do is reach out. If you see their truck at an event, get some popcorn! It is delicious. Nutz About Popcorn Thanks Lynnette! |
ARE YOU NUTZ about POPCORN? | 2024-04-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Congratulations to all!
Birthdays and Anniversaries | 2024-04-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Needless to say, Troop 3 has been recognized as one of the nation's premier scout troops. The local tri-county council has recognized it as the top boy-led troop in the council. It has been one of the largest troops for years in the entire nation. Its High Adventure program is second to none. Its monthly camping trips would make any tour agent envious. Its service to the community is off the charts. Besides the major Eagle Projects the troop does at least one service project every month for the community and prides itself in having touched nearly every church, municipality, school, library, organization in the entire greater Hatboro area. Mark your calendar and come celebrate Troop 3
Hatboro Boy Scout Troop 3 75th Anniversary | 2024-04-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Paul Harris Awards
Paul Harris Awards | 2024-04-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
SPEAKER,, Mary SimsGuest Speaker: Mary L. Sims, Esquire & Dean of Business, Education and Professional Studies at Manor College Topic- Overcoming Adversity & Serving the Community As a professor at Manor College and Arcadia University, Mary uses content and experiences in her classes to encourage students to overcome adversity and contribute to their communities.
Mary’s hope in her work with college students is that it will spark a passion and understanding that we can all do social justice everywhere. THANK you Mary for joining us today! |
SPEAKER,, Mary Sims | 2024-04-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Troop 3 75th AnniversarySpeaker: Rotarian Bob J. Troop 3's 75th Anniversary celebration happening Mary 17th - March 19th. -Troop 3 has at least one major project each month. - The troop had an initiative in the community for polio vaccinations. Anyone who was not vaccinated they assisted in getting inoculated. -Annually the troop members assist in setting up Hatboro's Library Bazaar each year. -Troop 3 is has been highlighted and recognized for their adventure programs for the scouts, including an example trip of biking tours through Nova Scotia. -Bob recognized that Troop 3 is all boy scout run, having weekly meetings. -Over 2 years have been spent planning and preparing for the upcoming Troop 3 75th Anniversary celebration -A large part of the event will be inviting Alumni back, honoring local organizations, and celebrating with the community. -There will be a museum set up, an escape room, as well as recognitions during the event. BUT How did Rotary become Connected? Over the years Hatboro Rotary has given funds to Trop 3 for purchase of equipment particularly camera equipment. Troop 3 does all the picture taking at many Hatboro functions. They have become quite good at what they do and should be commended for their dedication. |
Troop 3 75th Anniversary | 2024-04-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary Moments..Barb RSpeaker: Rotarian Barb R Rotary Moment 4/3/24 *The Rotary Programs of Scale grant was awarded to an initiative in Nigeria called Together for Healthy Families. This initiative is sponsored by a Rotary District in Germany and four Rotary Districts in Nigeria. The goal for the $2 million dollar grant is to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality by 25% in target areas of Nigeria by the end of the three-year program. In 2020, 82,000 pregnant woman and new mothers died in Nigeria, making it the highest maternal death rate in the world. Factors that led to death include lack of access to health centers or hospitals and poor quality of care. The Rotary Programs of Scale grant is being used to establish outreach centers, train healthcare workers and educate the community on prenatal/postnatal care and family planning. Data from the Together for Healthy Families initiative is being gathered and analyzed so that it can be replicated in other needy areas. *The Rotary Club of Houston Skyline initiated a plan to relieve the urban hot spots in the Third Ward section of Houston. Urban hot spots are areas of cities that experience significantly hotter temperatures than their suburban neighbors in the summer months. Temperatures in urban hot spots can be 15 to 20 degrees warmer due to the heat absorbing the concrete, pavement steel and glass and radiating it back into the air. The lack of grassy areas and shade from trees also contribute to the rise in temperatures. Extreme heat over extended periods of time can lead to many health issues and even death. Lower-income urban communities are most vulnerable due to their high-density housing and lack of green spaces. When Rotary International had its convention in Houston in 2022, members of Rotary clubs in the Houston area highlighted the urban hot spot issue and offered solutions to this wide-spread issue. Solutions such as light-colored and green roofs, lighter-colored pavement and planting more trees and vegetation can be adopted by Rotary clubs everywhere to help alleviate hot spots in their own cities. *Rotary Clubs are thinking of creative ways to attract new members. The Rotaract Club of Dhaka Orchid in Bangladesh believed that if they could interest more young people to serve in Rotaract club, they could show them how they can serve everywhere at any time. The club used young people’s love of rock music to organize a large-scale music festival. It was a huge success. After the event, 670 people expressed interest in joining the club and plans were made to charter more than 30 clubs in the city. The Rotaract Club of Dhaka Orchid has these tips for planning an event intended to recruit members and raise your club’s profile in the community: (1) Create a event that reflects your community’s popular music, art or food, (2) Enlist influencers to promote your event on social media, (3) Use merch to advertise your club in the community, (4) Bring the fun into your club, and (5) Dream big and don’t take no for an answer. *Adapted from the April 2024 issue of Rotary Magazine.
Rotary Moments..Barb R | 2024-04-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Birthdays and Anniversaries | 2024-03-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Cyrenity Sips WinerySPEAKER: Shakia owner of Cyrenity Sips Winery From Their Website: Welcome to Cyrenity Sips Winery! we're a proud family-owned and operated small batch winery. Right here on our premises, we take care of every step, from manufacturing and bottling to labeling. Our wines are a labor of love, meticulously crafted to capture the unique essence of each grape varietal. To make them even more special, we give each one a name inspired by our dearest relatives and friends. And it doesn't stop there – alongside our 16 staple wines, we offer a delightful array of seasonal varieties. Think Cranberry, Gingerbread, and White Chocolate, perfect for celebrating Valentine's Day. Cheers to the experience at Cyrenity Sips Winery! 🍷🍫🎉Get a group together and sign up for a wine tasting. You won't be Disappointed. Walk-ins are welcome... $12 per person. When Shakia decided to look into wine making, she went to Virginia Beach to study the craft of winemaking. She and her husband knew they wanted a small based winery. So they began looking for an area and found Hatboro! We are so glad she liked our little town!
Cyrenity Sips Winery | 2024-03-06 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Shelter Box - Bill Tuszynski
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on Feb 21, 2024
Bill Tuszynski a member of the Quakertown Rotary Club and the Shelter Box representative for Rotary District 7430 ShelterBox Emergency Disaster Relief . He presented to our club on Shelter Boxes impact. Bill explained that Shelter Box was started in the year 2000 in a Rotary club in England. This year alone it had helped 2,500,000 individuals with shelter, from a staggering 100,000,000 displaced people in the world. Shelter Boxes and the kits are currently deployed in Africa, Middle East, Greece, Caribbean, Ukraine and more. Shelter Boxes are stored in Turkey, Panama, and the Philippines for quicker deployment. Local Rotary clubs help with the deployment in their area. Bill shared stories of four displaced families and how Shelter Box had made a difference in their lives. Bill presented our club with the Silver Hero Award for our club's donations to Shelter Box 2023-2024. Our club has provided 20 Shelter Boxes over the years, each box costs $1,000. the picture shows Bill Tuszynski, Lisa Grace (Club President), Jesse Brookreson (Club Shelter Box committee chair). ![]() |
Shelter Box - Bill Tuszynski | Gary Chamberlain | 2024-02-21 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
KEITH VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOLSpeaker: Jonathan Kircher, Principal. also attending. Brea D'Angelo Having been a student at Keith Valley Middle School when I was a kid, it was interesting to see what changes will occur when the new building is finished. It is expected the new building will be ready around Sept of 2025. The ground breaking for the new building was March 21st and the school will house 6,7th, and8th grade students. Each group will have their own floor in the building.. Flexibility in space and learning have been guiding points in the construction and layout of the school. Some things which you will see in the new building are an indoor walking trail; 8 lane swimming pool; gyms; basketball courts; classrooms around a common area for each of the grades; bigger band rooms and so much more. The following was taken from the Keith Vally Website. About the Project
KEITH VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL | 2024-02-14 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Alex LiebergallSPEAKER: Alex Liebergall, Compliance director at ideal Concepts.Inc. and Privacy Director for InsureMe Inc. The FCC recently promulgated new regulations regarding the Telephonic Consumer Protection Act ("TCPA") in order to address consumer concerns regarding telemarketing and consent to be contacted for various products and services. Specifically, the FCC modified the long-standing prior express written consent ("PEWC") standard to limit consent to a One-to-One basis. In other words, consumers must provide PEWC to specific companies one by one. This is a significant deviation from the existing industry practice where consumer provide consent to be contacted by a variety of companies listed in a given website's hyperlinked "partners list". This change will likely help reduce the number of calls that consumers receive after putting their information into a webform requesting quotes/information. However, the FCC didn't adequately assess the impact this change will have on small businesses: (1) the new rule will drastically increase the cost to acquire leads for small businesses; (2) small business lack the resources/expertise to self-generate leads at a large volume; (3) the new rule diminishes the opportunity of small businesses and newcomers to compete. Accordingly, the new rule will also negatively impact the ability for consumers to comparison shop different products/services because small businesses will no longer be able to compete with big companies for the same leads. Lastly, the rule failed to address whether it would only apply proactively (i.e., to leads generated on/after the effective date of the rule). If the FCC does not choose to only apply the new rule proactively, it could have a tremendous negative effect on small businesses who have invested considerable resources to obtain leads that are compliant with existing rules and regulations."
Alex Liebergall | 2024-02-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Birthday Wishes for Nancy Feb 13! Please remember all those who are going through rough times whether they are facing medical issues, loss of family members, or recovering from surgery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Don't forget the Borough Ball March 9th 2024. (Justin Ryan cubmaster for Pack 17 will be receiving an award. Let's support our Pack!
Club | 2024-02-07 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
HONO0R and COURAGE | 2024-01-31 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Congratulations | 2024-01-31 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Mark Your CalendarsHatboro Rotary,s 2nd Annual Bingo in the Borough Event at Pennypack Elementary Saturday May 4th
Mark Your Calendars | 2024-01-24 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
BOY SCOUT TROOP 17Speaker: Bob J Bob reminded us of our responsibilities to the Troop that we sponsor and hold a charter to. As the representative of this club to Troop 17, he has been trained by the Boy Scout s on his responsibilities to assure our Scouts have a place to meet, their leaders are trained and that the members of the Troop uphold The Boy Scout values. This may clarify some of our club responsibilities:
As the representative from this club Bob may have to mediate when there are differences. As a lifelong Scout, Bob has had many training courses given by the Boy Scouts and knows the organization well.
BOY SCOUT TROOP 17 | 2024-01-12 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ROTARY MOMENT*Northbrook, Illinois Rotarian Sam Harris has a tragic yet inspirational story to tell and with the help of his Rotary connections, he was able to share his story in the most meaningful ways. Harris is a Holocaust survivor. He suppressed his story for many years until, in the late 1970s, a fellow rotarian encouraged him to tell his Holocaust survival story. Since then, Harris has turned his story into a book and a tiny storefront museum which ultimately, in 2009 opened as the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Harris is currently the president emeritus of the museum and credits his fellow Rotarians with helping him create the museum as it is today. Sam Harris’ story is quite remarkable. You can read more about him at or in the January issue of Rotary magazine. |
ROTARY MOMENT | 2024-01-10 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Happy New Year
Happy New Year | 2024-01-03 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS | 2024-01-03 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
MADRIGAL SINGERSOnce again at Christmas time we were honored to have the very talented Hatboro-Horsham high school Madrigal singers at our meeting this morning. Under the Direction of Charlie Masters, the students sang many of our favorites as well as some delightful ne songs. Thank you so much for lifting our spirits!! ![]() |
MADRIGAL SINGERS | 2023-12-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB | 2023-12-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUBThank you to the planners of our Holiday party. A good time was had by all, and it was great to see Gloria and the many spouses who joined in the fun!! Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays! Congrats to:
Wrapping party Monday Dec 18! Please remember...many hands make light work. Bring scissors! See you Monday at 5 at Hatboro Federal!
CLUB | 2023-12-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
John Becker Jr. .Guardian Recovery ServicesSPEAKER: John Becker Jr. LPC, CAADC, CEAP, CTR, SAP We welcomed John to Rotary this morning to speak about mental health. As a former police officer, his focus has always been on helping other first responders and veterans. His background, training and experience give him a unique understanding of the culture, challenges and stressors of being a first responder. (John specializes in treating first Responders and Veterans.) You often see an increase in depression and anxiety in these 2 groups of people. There are certainly other groups that bare mention. As a result of the pandemic restrictions and seasonally the Holidays. there is definitely an increase in depression. It is important for families to watch for behavioral changes in their children and also to reach out frequently. It is important for families, not merely one person to address the issues and help the individual to seek out help. You cannot force someone to seek out help, but you can support and encourage them. There are many resources available. Some of the problems getting a therapist is the fact that many do not accept insurances but are cash only services but will often work with you on payments. Be especially aware of children's behaviors. Keep in mind that during the pandemic children spent many hours/days alone often missing out on "normal" childhood activities. They are very vulnerable to depression. You can access John's website at Thank you John for an interesting talk this morning. .
John Becker Jr. .Guardian Recovery Services | 2023-12-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Chuck Freeburger..AccuPay PayrollSPEAKER: Chuck Freeburger Welcome to Chuck from another local business which is situated behind Produce Junction at 50 South Penn St. Suite A-5. In business since 1969, with over 50 years' experience in the business. This has allowed them to provide and develop time proven strategies to assist you in the management of your payroll processing. Their business is "client" oriented thus being able to accommodate the needs of each of their clients. Their trained staff strives for excellence by providing a live voice on the phone, knowledge of payroll and additional services that can help improve each business' bottom line. Their goal is to provide accurate payroll processing, a responsive customer service team, using state of the art technology to make payroll management easier for each of their clients. The business not only serves people in Hatboro but in many other states. Currently they serve 550 clients and employ a staff of 10 in their office. Want more information on how they can help your business?? give them a call at 267-803-121. It is important to also note that Chuck also supports and sponsors many of the events in Hatboro. Thanks Chuck!
Chuck Freeburger..AccuPay Payroll | 2023-12-06 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
REMINDER!!Holiday Party is TONIGHT at Giuseppe's Pizzza! 1380 W Street Rd Warminster PA 18974. Start time 5;30pm |
REMINDER!! | 2023-12-06 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Squares
Posted on Nov 29, 2023
Select your squares, on our club Super Bowl Squares fundraiser and WIN! ![]() Here is how it works: Visit our Super Bowl Pool site Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Squares | Super Bowl Pool Site and see how to play and how much can be won!!!! Then use the DONATE button on our website that will allow a payment by PayPal, or credit card to pay for the squares, $25 each.
Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Squares | 2023-11-29 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
HAT Packs Service Project
Posted on Nov 28, 2023
Hatboro Rotarians helped HAT pack volunteers pack 376 bags of food for local children that face food insecurity. ![]() The H.A.T. (Helping Around Town) Packs program partners with public schools, community organizations, local congregations, business, and individual contributors, to help fill weekend hunger gaps. Through monetary, food and resource donations, the H.A.T. Packs program provides packs filled with non-perishable breakfast, lunch, snack, and beverage items to school children, and their siblings, who face food insecurity—in-between the school bell
HAT Packs Service Project | 2023-11-28 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Boodle Brigade!Once again, we participated in Boodle Brigade sending Boxes to Soldiers stationed in Korea. This year we had enough for 8 boxes (up fron 2 last year!!) ![]() ![]() |
Boodle Brigade! | 2023-11-27 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Barb R ..Rotary Minutes11/15/23 Rotarians around the world chose projects that truly put service above self. Here are just a few that we’re highlighted in The past month:
Barb R ..Rotary Minutes | 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Tessa Robinson..Vall;ey Forge TourismSPEAKER: Tess Robinson Tessa is the Commnications Specialist for Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board "Our mission is to engage and interact with, encourage patronage of, and provide networking opportunities for businesses representing the tourism and hospitality industry in Montgomery County, PA to promote convention and leisure visitation at the county’s hotels, attractions, restaurants, retail stores, golf courses, sports, meetings, and arts and culture venues." (taken from their website) Currently 3 Hatboro businesses are members of this tourism board. If you visit the website, You can find a list of towns,events, restaurants, Hotels; and more information about things to do and see in the Montco area. I saw things on this page that I had no idea existed. Get out of the house and Explore Montco! Many places are not far away! Thanks Tessa for the information especially about out area.
Tessa Robinson..Vall;ey Forge Tourism | 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB and COMMUNITY | Barb Schupe;ltz | 2023-11-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Congrats to all!
CLUB and COMMUNITY | 2023-11-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
VETERANS DAY November 11Veterans Day is November 11. We would like to Thank and Honor those Club Rotarians who Served. Hatboro Rotary Veterans
Thank you for your service....You make us proud as you continue to serve your country and communities as Rotarians. |
VETERANS DAY November 11 | 2023-11-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Willow Grove Physical Therapy - Matt Fackner
Posted by Gary Chamberlain
Matt presented to the club on The Science of Pain:
Matt Fackner |
Willow Grove Physical Therapy - Matt Fackner | Gary Chamberlain | 2023-11-01 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
DG DianeSPEAKER: DG Diane Donaher ![]() What a refreshing and fun morning with District Governor Diane. (seen here with President Lisa). Listening to DG Diane reminds us of how far we have come to integrate women into Rotary. In 1989 the council on Legislation voted to allow women and by 1990 there were over 20000 women in Rotary. In 1987 the Rotary Club of Duarte elected the first female club president. We continue to evolve with women in Rotary. We have a Female DG, and Last year we saw the FIRST Female President of Rotary International, Jennifer Jones. We are all witnessing history. (stay tuned, the Next President will be a female from Pennsylvania!!) The current President of Rotary International is Gordon R. McInally, a member of the Rotary Club of South Queensferry, Lothian, Scotland, . McInally is a graduate of dental surgery at the University of Dundee and owned and operated his own dental practice in Edinburgh. Pres. Gordon's vision is to create Hope in the World. He believes we are a Beacon of Hope for others. We can create hope in the world in everything we do, especially by working for peace and mental wellbeing. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that’s necessary to realize these values. DG Diane is recognizing a member of every club she visits by presenting them with a small Beacon. Our congrats to Rotarian Gary on receiving a Beacon from the DG!! We continue to concentrate on Membership to build our clubs. We also continue to support Rotary Foundation which uses that money to help around the world. It is easy to donate by using Rotary Direct. You specify how much you wish to donate each month and it is automatically taken out of your account. Thank you so much for visiting our club and for visiting us at Lobster Pot |
DG Diane | 2023-10-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotarian Barb R..Rotary MomentsROTARY MOMENTS
Rotarian Barb R..Rotary Moments | 2023-10-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Katie Farell...DGEKatie is currently the District Foundation Chair for District 7430. Today however, she shared some information regarding her journey to becoming DGE. A member of Warminster Rotary, she got involved at the District level as the foundation chair. Our district 7430 has 45 Clubs and 1164 in Zone 32 (our zone). Katie shared the many conferences, meetings and places she had to travel to as DGE.. The goal for any DG is to help support and strengthen Clubs and inspire people to action. Currently Rotary has a Vision Statement and Action Plan. The Action Plan will concentrate on 4 areas. Impact, Reach. Engage and adapt. Taking Action for Change., the basic theme of the Action Plan. Thanks Katie for the information.
Katie Farell...DGE | 2023-10-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Sarah and Tammy ..HH Guidence CounsellorsThis morning Sarah and Tammy took some time out of their busy schedule to provide some feedback to us on how our Christmas program helps the students. The school isaTitle 1 school so they do have a number of students in need out of the 500 they serve. Already several families have reached out for help around the holidays both for Christmas and winter coats. It was wonderful to receive feedback on our program. Parents have thanked the school for providing for their children who might not have received anything without our help. We love helping our schools!!
Sarah and Tammy ..HH Guidence Counsellors | 2023-10-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUBHappy Birthday to Karen Oct 13... Happy Anniversary to Darlene and Dennis Oct 15
CLUB | 2023-10-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NewsBirthdays: Happy Birthday to Barb S Oct 1 and Lisa G Oct 6 Anniversaries: Congratulations to Tom B and Renata Oct 6 Rotary Anniversaries: Congratulations to:Tom F Oct 1 40 years; Bob J Oct 8 48 years
CLUB News | 2023-10-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
STEM YEA AcademyTHE ACADEMY STEM-based education delivers more than science and mathematics concepts. The focus of STEM curriculum on hands-on learning with real-world applications helps develop a variety of skill sets that our modern world depends upon. 21st-century skills include media and technology literacy, productivity, social skills, communication, flexibility, and initiative. Other skills attained through STEM education include problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, curiosity, decision-making, leadership, entrepreneurship, acceptance of failure, and more. Regardless of the future career path these children consider, these skill sets go a long way to preparing them to be innovative and positively contributing members of society. We seek to deliver an immersive STEM curriculum that sparks intellectual curiosity and a love of lifelong learning. STEM is critical to building a more secure future based on science, humanity, and understanding commensurate with Rotary International. Our guest speakers today were Lisa ( HHS Faculty) Evan and Billy HHS students who attended this year's academy. The them of this year's academy: Astro Biology, search for Mars. Some of the things the students researched: the size of the solar system; tested different hypotheses; DNA testing ; Mars Rover (square wheels?). They did have evening Movie Night but the Movie usually connected to the pregram . One movie was "Hidden Figures". To learn more about the program go to "Astrobiology, the Search for Life on Mars"2023 STEM YEA CURRICULUM MODULESIntroduction to Mars Mars in the Night Sky Scale of the Solar System Planetary Features
Life on Mars Getting to Mars Mission Briefings and Objectives for projects
STEM YEA Academy | 2023-10-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Deputy Chief Mark Ruegg ..Hatboro PDSPEAKER: Deputy Chief Mark Ruegg We were honored to have Deputy Chief Ruegg with us today. Mark was hired in 2003, became a patrol SGT in 2012 and is now Deputy Chief slated to take over the reins from Chief Gardner when he retires. Mark lives with his family in Blue Bell, has three children, coaches children and believes in connecting and working with the community. Hatboro Police department is Service oriented and are committed to providing the highest quality of public safety and law enforcement services by empowering their members and the community to work in partnership with the goal of improving the quality of life within the Borough of Hatboro, while at the same time maintaining respect for individual rights and human dignity. What can we expect in the future: greater use of technology available to police officers, mentorship, hiring quality police officers and establishing more ties to groups such as Rotary. He would love to see all his officers visit Rotary so we can get to know each other better. As a group, we support and love this idea. Working together for the betterment of our community. We are fortunate that our Borough Council works well with the Police department and is as eager to hire high quality officers as are the members of the PD. Our Police officers are "people" oriented, willing to assist a resident whenever needed. The police Department is open 24 hours a day and will gladly answer any question you may have. We look forward to building an even stronger relationship with the PD as well as doing some joint programs to benefit the community. Thanks for joining us today Deputy are always welcome to join us on Wed. morning!
Deputy Chief Mark Ruegg ..Hatboro PD | 2023-09-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-09-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
PRESENTATIONSOn Saturday Sept 9 at our Lobster Pot event, Presedent Lisa on behalf of Hatboro Rotary was proud to present checks to the following organizations: Hatboro Troop#3 Willow Grove YMCA Hat Packs Lehman Food Pantry |
PRESENTATIONS | 2023-09-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
THANK YOU SPONSORS | 2023-09-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
LOBSTER POT!!There are som many photos of Lobster Pot I have only posted a few on this page (link is to the right). HOWEVER there are many on facebook both on our page and the pages of many other. Please click on our facebook page link just below our banner! Thank you to everyone who attended....we hope you had an enjoyable evening despite the rain but then again the rain makes for great stories going forward!!
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LOBSTER POT!! | 2023-09-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
TIM CONNIFF..ComedianSPEAKER: Tim Conniff, Comedian, MC, Key Note Speaker We were fortunate today to have Tim Conniff, standup comedian motivational speaker entertain us this morning. Tim offers keynote talks that combine stand-up comedy along with a motivational message on the importance of getting out of your comfort zone and doing challenging things. Originally from Scranton PA, Tim took a chance and left his comfort zone to begin doing standup comedy. It didn't matter that he had to drive 3 hours to join a line of "wannabe performers" on open MIC night to get a chance. Although it may not have gone well every time, Tim kept at it. As he proceeded on his journey, he also became a motivational speaker. His biggest message "Get out of your comfort zone". So many ways to do that! Always wanted to try rock climbing, throw an ax learn how to cook, try a new restaurant.......well Go for it!!! Tim performs in the area and you can find his schedule on his website Thanks Tim...after our busy Saturday, it was great to just sit, relax and laugh!! You can reach Tim at
TIM CONNIFF..Comedian | 2023-09-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
DG Diane Donaher.![]() Welcome ton Hatboro Rotary DG Diane . The DG is pictured here with President Lisa and Lobster Man!!
DG Diane Donaher. | 2023-09-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Thank you to all those supporting Lobster PotWe are happy to report that Lobster Pot was a success despite the couple of rain showers! Bravo to the brave soles who brought their tents and had a party while enjoying Lobster and Steaks. We do hope to see you again next year!! A Huge thank you also to all the businesses and people that sponsored our event. (I'll post a list soon)
Thank you to all those supporting Lobster Pot | 2023-09-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Wishing our friend Judy a great retirement!So excited for Judy who will soon be a grandmother and she is so excited for this new role!! We will miss her. She has been such a great server and we all love her. We know you will return to see us in-between your trips to see your grandbaby. Happy new adventures!!
Wishing our friend Judy a great retirement! | 2023-09-06 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Nichole Reicher.. Friends of CressbrookWelcome Nichole! Nichole serves as Secretary for the newly formed Friends of Cressbrook a 501c.3 whose Mission is to preserve and maintain the Cressbrook properties and to appropriately restore them. The ultimate goal is to use the properties as educational resources and event space to increase understanding of their role in Hatboro's history and role in colonial era history. As with all things, this committee will be raising funds to maintain and improve the property. In Mar they received a $60,000 grant from the state thanks to Rep Nancy Guenst and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to help with material purchases and construction costs relating to the Cressbrook Property Improvement Project.
Nichole Reicher.. Friends of Cressbrook | 2023-08-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Donna Mignogna..Operation HomefrontSPEAKER: DONNA MIGNOGNA Operation Homefront was founded in 2002.It is a national nonprofit that serves Military Families across the US. They aim to build strong, stable and secure military families so they can thrive not struggle to get by. Some Services offered:
For more information , click the link Hatboro rotary presented a check for $500 to Operation Homefront ![]() |
Donna Mignogna..Operation Homefront | 2023-08-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Title Insurance and Fraud SluethSPEAKER: Rotarian Katrina S. Hatboro Rotary member, Katrina Sullivan, realtor for Compass, shared an important fraud alert program that all Montgomery County residents should sign up for. She also shared a video for members to watch with instructions on how to sign up. This program is Montgomery County's Fraud Alert System, Fraud Sleuth, which allows residents to sign up and be informed of any activity against their property by alerting the property owner shortly after a document matching the criteria completed in their user profile is recorded. This tool is being offered to allow Montgomery County property owners to be involved in combating fraud. Together, constituents and the Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds office are taking a proactive step in fighting fraud. Fellow Rotarian, Jillian Barton, estate attorney and founder of Barton Law, highlighted this program as part of her recent blog interview with Hatboro's Anne Anastasi, founder of Genesis Abstract. Anne shared that this program is in response to an ongoing and increasingly concerning scam occurring in estates after the death of a loved one. Criminals record forged deeds from the estate of the decedent transferring the property to their own entity and then they either quickly flip the property to a third party, or they borrow money using the property as collateral and walk away with the equity (and of course, they disappear). All of this can happen in a matter of weeks before the family has had time to grieve. Residents and estate executors are being encouraged to sign up for alerts to monitor this criminal activity. As a realtor, Katrina was particularly concerned to learn of this growing and concerning scam, but this scam should be of concern to all of us. For instructions on how to sign up for Fraud Sleuth, Montgomery County’s free fraud alert system, click here: and watch the video for easy-to-follow instructions. |
Title Insurance and Fraud Slueth | 2023-08-07 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Ella Warden Rotary Academic Scholarship Winner
Ella Warden Rotary Academic Scholarship Winner | 2023-07-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Eileen and Lorena..Literacy Council of NorristownSPEAKERS: Eileen and Lorena from the Literacy Council of Norristown, Founded in 1984, The mission of the Literacy Council of Norristown is to improve lives and strengthen families in Greater Norristown and Montgomery County by providing adult literacy and English language programs. Prior to the pandemic, there were other organization engaged in literacy program. Post pandemic, that number dropped, and the council gained about 500 people. What do they teach? Basic reading, language, math writing, GED and other programs. Each student has a mentor/teacher who works directly with that student. There is required training to become a tutor after which the tutor will be matched up with a student. Currently there are over 100 volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, fill out an application on their website Please visit their website as well as their Facebook page to learn more and read about student successes. There are some very inspiring stories.
In 2022, LCN launched its Family Literacy initiative. Since then they have shared over 15,000 books in Norristown! Thinking of getting your GED,,the literacy tutors can help you achieve your goal! Please visit their website to learn more. Tutoring is Free!!! (as an aside, one of our Rotarians just completed her training and is waiting to be assigned a student. Congrats Barb R). |
Eileen and Lorena..Literacy Council of Norristown | 2023-07-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS | 2023-07-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary Moment by Barb R.Rotary Magazine June 2023 Rotary Moment 7/12/23 Just like Hatboro Rotary welcomed our new president, Lisa Grace, Rotary International welcomed new president Gordon McInally. Gordon is a retired dentist from South Queensferry, Scotland. His theme for the 23-24 Rotary year is “Create Hope in the World”. Gordon explained that the goal is to restore hope to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and to help achieve lasting change. He has 3 presidential initiatives:
Rotary Moment by Barb R. | 2023-07-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary moment by Barb RRotary Moment 6/7/23 The Rotary International Convention was held in Melbourne, Australia in May. The convention was organized around this year’s theme “Imagine Rotary” and attendees participated in sessions that focused on promoting peace, protecting the environment, and eradicating polio. Next year’s convention will be held in Singapore and will revolve around the 23-24 theme “Sharing Hope With the World”. At the convention, Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones, announced the recipient of the third annual Programs of Scale award. This year’s recipient is United to End Cervical Cancer in Egypt, an initiative to reduce the number of cases while raising awareness and improving women’s access to preventive care. The four-year program in and around Cairo will vaccinate more than 30,000 girls ages 9-15, provide cancer screenings for 10,000 women, and launch a public awareness campaign to reach 4 million people. Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Gaby Morena performed at the convention. She also traveled to Guatemala with Rotary International President Jennifer Jones as part of Jones’ Imagine Impact Tour. Their trip to Guatemala included visits to the schools supported by The Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP). The GLP is one of the largest grassroots, multi-club, multi-district projects in Rotary. The focus is to improve education for underserved students in Guatemala. To date the program has served more than 278,000 students. |
Rotary moment by Barb R | 2023-07-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Hope and Milka...CAMP NEIDIG!Rotary! Growing young leaders since 1950 when only boys attended. In 1961 when Districts split, the newly formed District 7430 continued the Camp and renamed it Camp Neidig in honor of it's founder Joseph Neidig (District Governor of District 2654). In 1990, females were invited to camp for the first time, as Camp Neidig became a co-educational leadership experience. Hatboro was fortunate to send 2 HHHS Juniors to Camp Neidig and this morning we heard about that experience. Hope and Milka were both juniors at Hatboro who attended this year's camp and to listen to them speak, you know they had a great time and learned a lot about Leadership. Originally hoping and "vowing" to stay together during the three days, their hopes did not become a reality! When they arrived at camp, they were put in separate groups (Tribes). There were many activities during the 3 days such as guest speakers, problem solving and workshops. As one attendee put it "it forces you to get out of your comfort zone". They did have competitions between "tribes". but friendships were formed with other attendees regardless of what Tribe you were in. "You realize that People you didn't know bring out the best in you". Throughout the weekend, campers participated in a series of problem-solving stations that both mentally and physically challenge them to work as a team. Each problem-solving activity is designed to test and refine specific leadership skills. One of our students was in a problem-solving group that planned the closing ceremonies. ( which is presented to parents and guests at the end of camp). One of our students commented that she learned a lot about talking with people of all races, abilities and disabilities. Both students feel they have gained leadership tools they will build on as they enter their senior year. Going forward, they both plan on spreading the word and encouraging next year's juniors to apply. Want to know more about Camp Neidig? OR contact Hatboro Rotary! ![]() The girls with their Moms! Hope is middle left and Milka middle right (permission given by parents to post picture)
Hope and Milka...CAMP NEIDIG! | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-07-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Welcome to Rotary 2023-2024July 1 began a new Rotary Year! This morning we were proud to welcome this year's president, Lisa! We know you will have a fabulous year!
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Welcome to Rotary 2023-2024 | 2023-07-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Jim Moran..Millbrook SocietySPEAKER: Jim Moran The Millbrook Society was founded in 1984 at the request of the late Mrs. Charles Harper Smith of Horsham Township, PA. The vision of Mrs. Smith and the Society's founders was to honor the legacy of Charles Harper Smith who was a renowned local historian, educator, and author. The original intent of the Society was to receive and hold in trust the land and buildings that make up the Kenderdine Mill tract called "Millbrook." They also were tasked with continuing the late Charles Harper Smith's work in the areas of preservation and education of local, state, and national history. Unfortunately, the only thing they obtained was the name "Millbrook". Although they did not obtain any land, the mission of the society has not changed. They continue to work for the preservation, protection and education of history. Currently they are planning to scan many very old documents to preserve the information for the future. All members of the Society are volunteers. What is their mission? PRESERVATION…collecting and maintaining artifacts, documents, manuscripts, and maps.PROTECTION… archaeology, and recording and researching historical data on buildings and other assets.EDUCATION… presentations, programs, publications, reenactments, and related activities. You may see members of Millbrook at Moland House on an Archeological Dig, participating in reenactments, history fairs. researching old homes and buildings in Hatboro, giving classes on the history of areas in Hatboro to school children and adults as well. Growing out of their current spaces, they will be moving to space in the Pennypack Community building in the near future. Many of their archives will remain in their spaces at the Baptist Church. Millbrook does interact with MANY other organizations (a listing is on their website.) As with many organizations, they are looking for new members as well as active volunteers to assist in their many projects. Would you like to know more? Click the link to the website to see a list of events, publications, news of the society, other organizations and membership information.
Jim Moran..Millbrook Society | 2023-06-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Year in Review!A Rotary Club President spends one year leading the club. Marty is our 2022-2023 president. Today marks our changeover from Marty to Lisa who, officially begins her year on July 1. Today we celebrate the accomplishments of Marty's year. Our goal is always to help our community. We are a club of action, working together giving back and at the same time enjoying each other.
There are so many more accomplishments of all our Club Members who step up for every challenge and continue to support the efforts of the club to keep a presence in this wonderful community. I apologize if I have missed recognizing a project or club members. Thank you Marty for a fabulous year!
Year in Review! | 2023-06-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Tanya R. Hill-Holiday..Mcdonalds OwnerThe Speaker today was Ms Tanya R. Hill -Holiday. Tanya is owner of Hatboro's Mcdonalds but that isn't all...she owns 12 Mcdonalds all together. This is one incredible woman and a fantastic speaker. With her permission, I am posting her Bio. This vibrant woman is the first African American Female to own not one but 12 McDonalds Restaurants. PLEASE click the link below to read her Bio!! You will be impressed. Thank you Tanya and we do hope you will visit with us again. |
Tanya R. Hill-Holiday..Mcdonalds Owner | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-06-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
CLUB NEWS | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-06-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Dino Ciliberti..Hatboro PatchWelcome to Dino! Dino is a veteran journalist who served as top editor of three daily newspapers and three weeklies over the course of a decade. Dino has spent30 years working in journalism, including over 15 years in numerous editing capacities and more than a dozen as a reporter. A multiple award winner who also launched a Sunday paper, switched another from afternoon to mornings, led 2 newspapers through redesigns and had one Win runner up for Newspaper of the year in company category. Dino is also experienced as a sports blogger writing column about Phila. sports for two online news services and as a concert reviewer for numerous newspapers. He has also worked as editor of two news websites for and producer of community magazines and business websites. (Thanks to Diane for this writeup) Dino covers 5 Patch sites and over the course of his career has interviewed many people such as Joe Biden, Charles Barkley, just to name a few.
Dino Ciliberti..Hatboro Patch | 2023-06-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS | 2023-06-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB and COMMUNITYUnfortunately our speaker was unable to attend today and it gave us a chance to "catch up" as we approach the end of another Rotary year!. Some highlights:
CLUB and COMMUNITY | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-05-31 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
THANK YOU!THANK YOU to everyone that attended our First (but not our last) Bingo in the Borough Event last night. The room was packed and lots of screams could be heard when someone got a Bingo or won a prize. A huge Thank you to Rotarian Lisa for her dedication and hard work bringing this event to you! Thank you to all Rotarians who lent a hand to make the night successful. A special thank you to all our sponsors..we couldn't have done it without you!
THANK YOU! | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-05-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Bingo in the Borough![]() |
Bingo in the Borough | 2023-05-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Tanya Oznowich..Churchville Nature CenterTanya is the Education Outreach Specialist at Churchville Nature Center in Bucks County PA. Founded in 1964, it was the county's first Nature Center. The main focuses are environmental education and the promotion of responsible stewardship within our community. The center sits on a sixty-five acre preserve adjacent to the Churchville Reservoir located in Northampton Township, Pa. Through educational programming, habitat remediation, public outreach, trash clean-ups and wildlife studies, they work to preserve the integrity of the entire eight-hundred-acre Churchville Watershed. The preserve likes to be known as a place of peace with 2 miles of hiking trails, a large window in the visitor center where you can sit and watch the birds. There is a white pine forest; a wetland area; wildlife throughout plus more. Supported by the Friends of Churchville Nature Center, the center offers many programs such as geology; weather; special hikes and walks; a braille trail; scout programs; Butterfly house; wildflower walk; reptile nature walk; and more. Take your kids and grandkids to the Lenape Indian Village and learn about the skills of the early Native Americans. Please go to their website at Welcome! - Churchville Nature Center . There is a lot of information on this site and you can also join and/or donate. This is a worthwhile cause and a great way to get out and enjoy nature!
Tanya Oznowich..Churchville Nature Center | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-05-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
REMINDERS! | 2023-05-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Club News
Club News | 2023-05-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotarian Bill Slaymaker..Horsham Miracle FieldWe were pleased to have Rotarian Bill with us this morning to provide an update on the Challenger Little League Miracle Field. The Miracle League is a nonprofit which allows those people with disabilities an opportunity to play baseball. It would only take one time of watching a game, hear the laughter and know how important this is to people with disabilities. If you are not familiar with a "Miracle Field", it is a fully accessible rubberized field for athletes of all ages with physical and cognitive disabilities. The rubber turf surface can accommodate wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, or braces allowing people of all abilities to play baseball. Since Bill last visited us when this was "just" an idea, they have raised over 1.8 million through grants, fundraisers, and individual donations.(the original estimate was 2 million to build the field) Next to the site of the field, the township will expand the paved parking lot and designate 25 handicap spots: a restroom will be close by and a children's play area. This field in Deep Meadow Park in Horsham will be built so that in the future, Wounded Warriers will also be able to use the field. Right now there are 3 Miracle fields in PA . The Miracle Field Board has projected that the field will open in Sept 2024. If you would like to donate and read more about the Miracle field, please click on the link Thank you Bill for the update! Click the link above if you would like to make a donation
Rotarian Bill Slaymaker..Horsham Miracle Field | 2023-05-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Barb R..Rotary MomentsWhat is Interact?
What are Rotarians doing in their communities?
Barb R..Rotary Moments | 2023-05-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Betsy Kilkenny..Exec Director of PACTWhat is PACT? PACT for Animals is a 501c3 nonprofit. Betsy oversees a program in all 50 states to foster pets of active duty service members and Veterans and those who may have a temporary medical condition that will hinder their ability to care for their pet. Single Military members are often faced with what to do with their pet when they receive orders to a duty station where they cannot take the pet. This is where PACT can help. They accept all types of animals such as dogs, cats, horses, turtles, ferrets, fish and more. In this country about 400 animals are being fostered and about 80% of them are dogs. PACT follows the request from a service member from beginning to when the member returns home. Contact is maintained with the foster throughout the process. Profiles are set up of the owner and animal including vet records of the pet; interview with the owner, copy of the owners orders and identifing a foster home. There is a legal contract between owner and Foster family/person and also a Point of Contact (POC) is identified in case an owner is unreachable,( This might occur if there is a emergency with the animal.) Pet owners are responsible for all costs associated with their pet including food, medicine, vet visits and more. PACT will monitor and be in contact with a foster family on a monthly basis until the member returns. Many questions about this program can be answered on the PACT website including information for owners, requirements for owners and for foster volunteers. There is an application form on the PACT website which can be used for both the Military member and for those applying to be a foster. Please click on the link below to access the PACT website If you know a service member/veteran who would benefit from this service please refer them to PACT. Thank you Betsy for speaking with us today!!
Betsy Kilkenny..Exec Director of PACT | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-05-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Club and Community NewsClub:
Club and Community News | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-05-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Jack GrovesIt is with great sadness that I report the passing of Jack Groves. Jack was a former member of our club and held a special place in all our hearts! Rest in peace Jack, you will be missed.
Jack Groves | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-04-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Rotary Social![]() ![]() You can read more about Cyrenity Sips by clicking on this link which includes information on their history and menu options. You can read more about owner Shakia Williams and her pathway to becoming a historic addition to Pennsylvania by clicking on the link included here. Speaking with her this evening, opening the winery was a New Year's resolution 2 years ago that came to life and we are happy to have been in attendance to support the continuation of that resolution. As Hatboro Rotary is a non-profit organization, Cyrenity Sips was able to waive their usual rental fee and our club received 20% of all bottle sales for the evening. Thank you to all of the attendees for their support of our organization, and for their support of one of our local businesses! |
Hatboro Rotary Social | 2023-04-26 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary MomentRotarian Barb R. brings you Rotary Moments:
Rotary Moment | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-04-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Club Notes
Club Notes | 2023-04-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Mike Reilly..BeeKeepingOur speaker today was Mike Reilly who among other things has been a Beekeeper for 14 years. Back yard Bee Keeping has increased in popularity in the US leading to more people having honeybees as their next-door neighbor. Hives can be Langstroth Hives (Boxes stacked on top of one another) which contain frames inside arranged vertically or Top bar hives where frames are arranged horizontally. Bees fly to flowers and extract the nectar bringing it back to the hive and the comb where it becomes honey. The Queen is the only Bee that lays eggs. Drone Bees are male Bees whose purpose is to mate with the Queen. They do nothing else!!Swarming is the natural reproduction of a honeybee colony, when a single colony splits into two or more colonies. It usually happens in the spring, when the hive becomes overcrowded, and the queen bee leaves with a large group of worker bees to find a new home. Swarming is a sign of a strong and healthy colony and is essential to the bees' survival. Water is essential to a hive, it keeps the hive cool, raises humidity in hive, keep brood moist and water serves to dilute or de-crystalize honey. If there is too much water, honey will rot. So, what do you get from the Bees? Wax: Propolis (Propolis is a mixture of pollen and beeswax collected by bees from certain plants and trees which is rich in antioxidants.): Honey. Some fun facts about Bees:
Thanks Mike! It was a fun Morning and we do hope you return to continue telling us about Bees.!
Mike Reilly..BeeKeeping | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-04-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
County Highway Manager - John Clancy
Posted on Apr 12, 2023
Today’s guest speaker was John Clancy Penndot Highway Maintenance Manager for Montgomery County. John began his career at Penndot as a transportation equipment operator in 2008. In 2022 he was names Penndot’s new highway maintenance manager for Montgomery County. John is married to his wife Nicole Hegele and resides in Bucks County where he has lived most of his life with their 11 year old son Liam. In his spare time, he and his family are very active in their church and he tows part time for D&C Towing formerly of Hatboro now in Huntingdon Valley. At Penndot he supervises more than a 100 employees, manages a budget of $33 million, which he told us he shares with other departments, it is not all for Montgomery County. He oversees all maintenance activities on more than 750 miles of state highway, which includes in Hatboro; York Road, Jacksonville Road, Warminster Road, a portion of Montgomery Avenue, County Line Road is a state highway but it is maintained by Bucks County Penndot. He works closely with all Montgomery County municipalities, working to make changes to better serve those in the county. His staff maintains more than 750 miles of snow roads, with some municipalities being paid to snow, which Hatboro is one. He discussed paving projects and different paving initiatives to help prolong the life of state highways. He discussed right of way matters and why Penndot does what they do, basically to keep water off state roads. He also discussed what many of us are struggling with and that is help, he stated Penndot is currently experiencing a 38% decrease in staffing, which really impacts operations. Penndot is struggling to find help and is also hiring. John answered a few questions about roads and initiatives in other areas and stated he is always available to help and answer questions. His email address is |
County Highway Manager - John Clancy | Gary Chamberlain | 2023-04-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Bob Hobaugh, Das Awkscht Fescht, Ontelaunee Chair
Posted on Mar 29, 2023
Bob Hobaugh, 2021-2022 Rotary District 7430 Governor, presented to Karen Kearns, 2021-2022 Hatboro Rotary Club President, and Marty Palmer 2022-2023 President a certificate of appreciation for the club's contributions to PolioPlus. ![]() Bob the current Das Awkscht Fescht, Ontelaunee Chair, then shared a PowerPoint presentation to the club on Das Awkscht Fescht. Bob explained the history and evolution of Das Awkscht Fescht and showed a lot of great pictures of classic cars. Below are some of the key points from the presentation. • What is Das Awkscht Fescht ? 1. Motor Vehicles, Celebration & Family 2. Macungie Memorial Park Regional Asset •What Areas of Focus does the Fescht address? 1. Community & Economic Development 2. Maternal & Child Health 3. Peace & Conflict Prevention •Rotarian Involvement 1. In all 6 Phases Car Fundraisers – Das Awkscht Fescht •Phase 1 – 1964 through 1972: 3 days; judging, beer garden, toy show, fireworks, music •Phase 2 – 1973 through 1980: horse show becomes kinderfest; $45,000 annually •Phase 3 – 1981 through 1990: AACA judging and beer garden end; expanded flea market •Phase 4 – 1991 through 2013: theme cars; post cards; 50th anniversary Buick •Phase 5 – 2014 through 2020: 8 classes vehicles; sports cars; future classics; tractors •Phase 6 – 2021 through present: Theme car all years; electronic Car Fundraisers Das Awkscht Fescht PHASE 4 - 1991 – 2013 Feature Cars •1991 – Fifty Years of Jeep •1992 – My Merry Oldsmobile •1993 – Forty Years of Corvette •1994 – Eighty Years of Dodge •1995 – Forty Years of Thunderbird •1996 – Nash Metropolitan •1997 - Studebaker •1998 – 35th Anniversary of Fescht – Chrysler – Plymouth •1999 – Chevrolet Corvair •2000 – Buick •2001 – Pontiac •2002 – Nash Rambler •2003 – Ford •2004 – Kaiser – Frazer •2005 - Hudson •2006 – Woodie Wagon •2007 – Ford Falcon •2008 – DeSoto •2009 - Oakland •2010 – Thunderbird •2011 – Camaro •2012 - Crosley Das Awkscht Fescht – 2013 50th August Festival Featured Car: 1935 Buick ![]() Car Fundraisers - Das Awkscht Fescht PHASE 5 - 2014 to 2020 •2014 – Dodge Brothers •2015 – Chrysler 300 •2016- Oakland •2017 – Chevrolet •2018 – Packard •2019 – Chrysler Corp. Saturday vehicles arranged in 6 classes: –(a) Class 1 Pre-War (1900-1945), –(b) Class 2 Post-War (1946-1960), –(c) Class 3 (1961-1975), –(d) Class 4 (1976- at least 25 years old), –(e) Class 5 Commercial Vehicles, and –(f) Class 6 Motorcycles. •Tractors in non-designated class Das Awkscht Fescht – Phase 5 2019: Harleysville Rotarian, Gary Volpe with Model A ![]() Rotarians at Das Awkscht Fescht •Community Service opportunities: - Field layout in advance - Parking Friday through Sunday - Distribute participate awards Saturday - Distribute packets at registration tent - Help preserve a regional treasure Das Awkscht Fescht – Phase 5 1930 Harley-Davidson, Barry Algeo |
Bob Hobaugh, Das Awkscht Fescht, Ontelaunee Chair | 2023-03-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Service Project Mar 23 2023Helping Hat Packs bring smiles to children's faces. Bubbles and Bubble gum!! We hope Spring Break is Bubbles of fun! Thank you to our club members and especially to young Eli for helping! ![]() ![]() |
Service Project Mar 23 2023 | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-03-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Bill Seedes...Willow Grove YMCABill Seedes, Executive Leader – Willow Grove YMCA, has over 28 years’ experience in YMCA’s, private health clubs, and medical based facilities. Has established multiple partnerships to better serve the communities mental, physical and spiritual wellness. Involved in capital and construction projects at established YMCA’s. Experience with large memberships (20K plus) and budgets exceeding $8M. Responsible for the day to day operations, supervising multiple locations while providing community based engagement programs through education and functional implementation practices. Experience with athletic populations and chronic disease management. Bill is also a fellow Rotarian and currently a member of the Willow Grove Rotary. So have you been wondering how things are going now that the Y is in willow Grove?? It has grown and continues to grow! We were fortunate to have Bill talk to us today and give us an update on the programs and happenings at the Y. We thought it best to present you all with Bill's power point. It will give you some insight into how things are going. We also urge you to visit the Y website for info on programs, camps, financial aid and you can take a virtual tour of the facility. Click the link below for the power point presentation.!AsOY9nS46u96qS4zixKYUwhnFdbW?e=JW5wE4 To make the slides show, click the first slide and then slide show. (If you have a problem, please let me know, ( |
Bill Seedes...Willow Grove YMCA | 2023-03-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Club News
Club News | 2023-03-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Thank you ColorConWe would like to send a huge thank you to Jill's Husband John who works for Colorcon. The company reached out to their employees for ways to help families in disaster relief areas. John responded with information about ShelterBox and our club's involvement. Two hours later they offered to cover a complete ShelterBox. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Colorcon .That $1000 donation will help more families in need.
Thank you ColorCon | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-02-17 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Congrats to Tom F. on another PHF Rotary Anniversaries!! Congratulations!! Jesse 17 yrs Feb 15 Rob 11 yrs Feb 23 Dar 13 yrs Feb 25 |
CLUB NEWS | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Pool Fundraiser Winners!!!
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on Feb 15, 2023
Thank you, to all participants of the Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Squares fundraiser. It raised $1,669 for our club, to help support many local charities and organizations. Plus, we had four lucky winners: Jonathan Riches, Charles Lockhard, Suzzane and Russ Fairlie, and Kristin Avallon.
Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Pool Fundraiser Winners!!! | Gary Chamberlain | 2023-02-15 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary MomentsSpeaker: Rotarian Barb R .
Rotary Moments | 2023-02-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Eric Lindhult..UMHJSASpeaker: Eric Lindhult ,General Manager of the Upper Moreland, Hatboro, Joint Sewer Authority (UMHJSA). The Upper Moreland-Hatboro Joint Sewer Authority provides collection, conveyance and treatment of wastewater from its customers in the Borough of Hatboro and Upper Moreland Township, and services portions of Bryn Athyn Borough, Horsham Township, Upper Dublin Township and Warminster Township. To Flush or not to Flush!!
The sewer authority has 44 employees, and someone is there every night. There are 125 miles of pipe just in Hatboro alone. There is a wealth of information on the UMHJSA website. The dedicated staff works diligently to maintain the excellent treatment of the wastewater. Recent plant upgrades (e.g., emergency generator, upgraded disinfection units, enhanced influent screening, effluent pump station to allow us to discharge into the Pennypack Creek during flooding conditions, influent bypass pumping station) have improved our ability to maintain the excellent record of environmental compliance. The plant has operated without an effluent discharge permit violation since 2006, when severe flooding in Upper Moreland resulted in excessive flows to the plant and dangerous conditions within the plant due to flood waters. There is a great deal of information on the UMHJSA website and an archive of their back additions of the newsletter. You can also take a virtual tour of the facility. Thank you, Eric, for the information! |
Eric Lindhult..UMHJSA | 2023-02-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Pool Fundraiser
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on Feb 04, 2023
Welcome to the Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Squares competition. This is a fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Hatboro a Service Organization that supports many local charities and organizations. Thank you for your participation. Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Squares is an online squares contest created for free at Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Squares | Super Bowl Pool Site For each available square you select a $22 donation should be made to the Hatboro Rotary Club using the DONATE button on this website or to a Rotary Club member. This contest was created by Gary Chamberlain. If you have any questions about this contest, please direct those questions via email to the commissioner at |
Hatboro Rotary Super Bowl Pool Fundraiser | Gary Chamberlain | 2023-02-04 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Chris Mendel..Pennypack Ecological TrustWe welcome back Chris Mendel to talk about the Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust. In existence for 52 years the trust mission is to steward the Pennypack Preserve natural area as an important component of the region’s natural areas network, and to educate and encourage people to appreciate, enjoy, and protect the Preserve’s native ecosystems. Some of the areas the Trust concentrates on:
As you can imagine, protection of open spaces and animal habitats takes more staff then the Trust has. There are many opportunities to volunteer with this organization. One of our Rotarians has participated in at least 15 volunteer activit1es at the trust with the Boy Scouts. Last year this club worked with the Trust doing some work in a creek as well as cleaning up the area around the creek. Do you have a skill, want to learn a new skill, have a few free hours a month to volunteer? There are many opportunities for volunteers both outside and also in the office and visitor center. For more information regarding volunteering please contact volunteer coordinator, Kevin Roth, at For more information on the Trust and information on upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and more please visit their website
Chris Mendel..Pennypack Ecological Trust | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-02-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
CLUB AND COMMUNITY | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-02-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
HAT Packs Service ProjectWe had a great turnout on Jan 24th to help HAT Packs pack the food containers to take to the schools. 343 Children will be receiving packs of food this week and we are proud to be able to help. You can see some of the photos on the right. We had a great time and were able to not only help but were able to chat with each other as we stood in line to pack up bags of food. When we were done, more then 13 of us went to PJ Whelihan's for Dine and Donate which our club sponsored. Thanks everyone who turned out for both activities and thanks to the families and friends who joined us!! |
HAT Packs Service Project | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-01-25 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Club and Community
Club and Community | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-01-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Maddy Beck,,,Angel Flight EastMaddy is the Community Outreach coordinator for Angel Flight East (AFE), a nonprofit organization whose Mission is to provide free air transportation to qualified patients and their families by arranging flights to distant medical facilities, delivering supplies to disaster areas, and reuniting families during desperate times. AFE was founded in 1992 after Hurricane Andrew. During 1993 AFE flew 17 flights, today they fly greater then 900 to 950 flights a year. AFE serves the Northeastern region of the United States, and for destinations beyond their reach, they link with other volunteer pilot organizations. Anyone who requests a flight must be medically stable, able to board an aircraft, and fly in a small non-pressurized aircraft. One companion may accompany an adult patient and 2 companions may accompany a child. volunteer Pilots use their own aircraft for a mission and assume all costs of the flight including fuel, landing fees and other expenses such as liability insurance. It is not only patients that may be flown by AFE. During the Pandemic, volunteer pilots flew several missions to deliver personal protect equipment (PPE) to dozens of medical and rural area facilities. Some items delivered included face masks, hand sanitizer and more. (Some of those flights were over 400 miles.) How to request a flight: please visit the AFE website for more information not only about requesting a flight but the length of time it takes to get a flight, documents required and information for patients. This is a wonderful organization and I urge you to explore the AFE website.Thanks, Maddy
Maddy Beck,,,Angel Flight East | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-01-04 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
CLUBWelcome back to a new year...2023! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday.
CLUB | Barbara Schupeltz | 2023-01-04 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
CLUB and COMMUNITY | 2022-12-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Sean Kilkenny..Montgomery County SheriffThe Montgomery County Sheriff's Office is one of the largest and most highly trained law enforcement agencies in the County and includes several divisions and specialty units serving more than 900,000 residents with a staff of 130 law enforcement officers, 3 K-9s and 20 admin staff. The mission of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is to protect and serve a diverse community of residents by respecting and valuing diverse life experiences and heritages in order to ensure that all voices are valued and heard. Sean Kilkenny was elected in 2015 and reelected in 2019. He is a retired LT Colonel in the Army having served 2 decades in the US Army and Army Reserves. Sean is married and has 2 daughters. He also runs a Law Practice. I'm betting you might not know what a County Sheriff's Office actually does and what are its biggest challenges. Certainly, the biggest challenge they face are recruitment and retention. Unfortunately, the deputies are paid less than many local police throughout the County and they often leave for better paying jobs. Some of the many divisions and duties within the department:
There is much to learn about the County Sherrif's Department and its History. Here are two links you might want to take a look at. Become informed! 1 Power Point Presentation PowerPoint Presentation ( 2 Website for Montco Sheriff's Department Thank you, Sean, for the interesting and informative talk. We hope you return again soon. |
Sean Kilkenny..Montgomery County Sheriff | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-12-07 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
DG Newsletter |
DG Newsletter | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-12-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Imagine!What makes a Rotarian and drives us to make a difference each day? Our annual theme sheds some light, and our newest – Imagine Rotary – says it all. For more of the story, see below! The theme urges all Rotarians to "dream big and take action", uniting to work toward positive global change. Says Jennifer, "We all have dreams, but acting on them is a choice. Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference.” Riki Salam, an Australian graphic designer and artist specializing in contemporary Indigenous art, design, and communications, designed the colorful logo for our new theme. What does the design mean? In Aboriginal culture, the circle represents our connections to one another. The seven dots surrounding the circle represent not only people and society, but Rotary's seven areas of focus. Together, the circle and dots form a "navigation star – our guiding light." The line underneath represents a basic tool -- a digging stick -- a metaphor for doing hard work: indeed, Rotary In Action. The color scheme can be interpreted in several ways. For example, purple represents polio eradication; green, the environment; and white represents our central mission, peace. Jennifer, the first female President in the history of Rotary International, noted that the color scheme in part also pays homage to the global women's suffragette movement. Want to learn more?? |
Imagine! | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-11-30 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Welcome DG Len Gieseler![]() |
Welcome DG Len Gieseler | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-11-30 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Words of Wisdom from the DGDG Len is a member of Pottstown Rotary. He went to Millersville University and after college, joined the Navy from 85-90. Len is married to Kirsten, who is also a Rotarian. His Dad was also a Pottstown Rotarian. Membership: DG Len shared with us the growth of Rotary as it welcomed Rotaract as official members of Rotary. So, as wonderful as it is to have so many new members of Rotary, we cannot forget that every seven years we lose 1.2 million members. Are we as a club taking care of our New Members and keeping them engaged in Rotary? Think about these things: what brought them to rotary and what would they like to accomplish? Are we meeting their needs and helping them to assimilate into Rotary? Other topics DG Len spoke about: Foundation: Foundation is a part of us. The money donated to foundation comes back to us in 3 years' time to be used for District Grants...We have benefited from foundation money as we received a matching grant to purchase the wheelchair accessible playground equipment for the Pennypack playground. Donating to Foundation can be as easy as donating $5-$10 a month through Rotary Direct. Service Projects: As a club we do many service projects but we could remember to promote Rotary to those we work with who are not Rotarians. District conference: May 5-7 in Atlantic City at the Tropicana. More Info about the Conference can be found by clicking on the District 7430 home page on this site. And certainly, last but not least we talked about the current Female RI president: Jennifer E. Jones, a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, the first woman to hold that office in Rotary's 115-year history. What does the Image logo mean?...I am reposting it for you! |
Words of Wisdom from the DG | 2022-11-30 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Charles Lockard..Lehman Food PantryCharles is one of three people at Lehman managing the food pantry. Clients must be within a 5-mile radius of the pantry to receive goods. At a first visit, client must sign up and show their ID card. If they are not within the 5-mile radius, pantry staff will try to find a pantry nearer to their home. What's different at this pantry:
What is needed:
Lehman food pantry is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 to 1200. Clients may come once a week for items
Charles Lockard..Lehman Food Pantry | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-11-23 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Club News
Club News | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-11-23 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Holiday Parade 2022 |
Hatboro Holiday Parade 2022 | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-11-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Boodle BrigadeBoodle Brigade has readied the packages for shipping! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Boodle Brigade | Barbara Rudakevych | 2022-11-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Art Friedman..How Vaccines Come AboutIn 1958 Art Began his post high school education at Brooklyn College. He knew he wanted to work in the sciences and in his sophomore year he decided to study Virology. In 1962 he and Sue moved to Buffalo to study for his PHD. In 1967 Art received his PHD and for the next 35 years he worked for Merck as a virologist in vaccine development. Think about this..there were unexplained outbreaks of a neurological disease in Muzaffarpur, India beginning in 1995. Generally, this was a seasonal event affecting children. Still in 2013-14 no cause had been determined but it was postulated that there is a connection with the Litchi fruit. For a researcher, wouldn't you want to find the cause AND develop a vaccine to prevent this?? Do researchers experiment on each other....Well not really but they do (and Art did) take experimental vaccines that he and his staff made. So no, Art didn't try to infect himself but did try to expose himself to influenza and other pathogens. Here are some of the vaccines that Art helped develop that are currently in use: rubella; original Adult Pneumonia; Hepatitis B; HIB (Hemophilus B) Middle ear infections, pneumonia, meningitis and septicemia in young children. It takes a lot of study, experimentation, trial and error before a vaccine is developed. Some may take up to 20 years or longer to develop. On the other end of the spectrum, he has also worked on many (Chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, Herpes, HIV) that researchers have not yet figured out. When a vaccine is developed and licensed for use, there is follow-up such as required reporting to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Eveny Reporting System; VICP National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program; NVSN New Vaccine Surveillance Network; as well as the Detection of New Strains. Many thanks to Art for this presentation. It was interesting and informative. |
Art Friedman..How Vaccines Come About | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-11-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
CLUB and COMMUNITY | Barbara Schupeltz | 2022-11-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
District 7430 and the Rotary Foundation - Kathleen (Katie) Farrell
Posted by Gary Chamberlain
Kathleen (Katie) Farrell, a Warminster Rotarian and District 7430 Foundation Annual Fund Chair/District Governor Nominee for 2024-2025, presented to our club on the Rotary Foundation and our District's efforts and goals. |
District 7430 and the Rotary Foundation - Kathleen (Katie) Farrell | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-11-09 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Melanoma Education FoundationSteve Fine, the President of the Melanoma Education Foundation, attended colleges in the Boston area, receiving a doctorate in chemistry from Northeastern University. He then moved to PA, completing a year of post-doctoral research at Lehigh University. After 5 years as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Lafayette College in PA, he moved back to New England where he served in technical and management positions in high-tech chemical companies. In 1989 he started consulting practice in the technology of high-purity chemical manufacturing, concurrently serving for 3 years as Vice President of Technology for ACSI, a West Coast manufacturer of semiconductor chemicals. Shortly after his son Dan died of melanoma in 1998 at the age of 26, he founded the non-profit Melanoma Education Foundation and, since August of 2001, has devoted full time to the Foundation. The primary activity of the Foundation is educating high school and middle school wellness teachers about melanoma skin cancer and providing them with free online lessons to educate their students about seld-detecting melanoma while it is curable. At last count over 1700 schools in all 50 states were using the lessons. Melanoma Education Foundation Web Pages: For Health & Wellness Educators and Students: Video Links 30-Minute Early Self-Detection/Prevention Video: (The video above has most of the Rotary Presentation Content) 16-Minute High School Student Video: 22-Minute Middle School Student Video: 30 Minute Health Teacher Training Video: |
Melanoma Education Foundation | 2022-11-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on Oct 19, 2022
CLUB and COMMUNITY | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-10-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
HealthLink Dental Clinic - Richard James
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on Oct 19, 2022
Richard (Rick) James, President of The Board of Directors of HealthLink Dental Clinic and a Rotarian from the Central Bucks Club presented to our club. Rick explained that the mission of the organization was to improve the overall health of qualified low-wage earning adults and veterans in Bucks and Montgomery counties by providing free preventative and restorative dental services and oral health education. Rick explained that the services are provided in Bucks and Montgomery County to individuals with household income at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Rick also explained that this included a partnership with the local County Veterans Affairs Offices, to now offer free dental care to qualifying area veterans. The Goals of HealthLink Dental Clinic are:
Rick explained that HealthLink recently relocated to Hatboro from Southampton. They recently moved to 444 N York Rd, Hatboro as the clinic’s leadership felt this location better meets the needs of patients and the organization. The new clinic on York Road is in the heart of Hatboro and close to the train station as well as a Septa bus stop. HealthLink has 13 volunteer dentists and 1 part time dentist. They also collaborate with local colleges that have dental students, allowing students practical experience while providing a service to the community. Healthlink has been in existence for 21 years providing 32,000 free dental treatments. Last year, it provided free dental care to 1820 patients at a value of $788,000. Healthlink relies on financial support from the community. The clinic is now accepting donations to cover the relocation costs and renovations and equipment. Free Dental Care | HealthLink Dental Clinic | United States |
HealthLink Dental Clinic - Richard James | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-10-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Richard McGarveyVery interesting talk about the Pa Gaming Control Board. (PGCB). There is a great deal of information on this website, please click on the many links. The goal of the PGCB is to be the premier gaming regulator in the United States, maintaining and enhancing public trust with honesty, integrity and credibility. Guided by the Gaming Act and supported by a dedicated professional staff of 320 the PGCB will protect the interest of the public by ensuring the integrity of legalized gaming through the strict enforcement of the law and regulations, the licensing of qualified individuals and entities, and fulfilling the objectives of legalized gaming in the Commonwealth to deliver a significant source of revenue, assist the horse racing industry, provide broad economic opportunities and enhance tourism. (taken from the PGCB website)
Richard McGarvey | 2022-10-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB and COMMUNITY | 2022-10-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
INTERACTInteract Clubs are high school level clubs that are sponsored and mentored by local Rotary Clubs. They are chartered by rotary International just as Rotary clubs are. They are community service clubs which organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Kathy Salemno from our club works closely with INTERACT as our clubs liaison with the school. We love working with this group of young people. We were fortunate to Have Ella, the president of HHHS Interact Club with us today. Interact currently has 120 members and volunteers with us for various service projects. We wanted to Thank Ella and her members for ALL the help they provided at Lobster Pot. We could not have done it without you! someone said 5 people were working with us, but it felt like 50! They were all hard workers and definitely contributed to the success of Lobster Pot. THANK YOU INTERACT! A recent photo from the clubs meeting (used with permission to post) |
INTERACT | 2022-09-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Meghann Townsend..Future Ready HattersSPEAKER: Meghann Townsend...Future Ready Hatters At Hatboro Horsham High School, the goal is for students to graduate and be prepared to be successful in whatever career path they choose and to be productive citizens equipped for the 21st century. To that end, the guidance department with the Furure Ready Program hopes to increase programming to identify students' skills, interests and aptitudes and assist them in discovering how those qualities can be applied to career opportunities after graduation. "If you can see it, you can be it" is the program motto! The success of this program will depend not only on school resources but also the community. They are looking for individuals and companies to partner with the school in several different ways:
For More Information about this program, contact Meghann Townsend, Future Ready Counselor at 215-420-5523 or At this time, it is not a commitment to help rather a willingness to be called and asked to participate in an applicable event or if a student request comes up. Follow the link to sign up:
Meghann Townsend..Future Ready Hatters | 2022-09-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Birthdays: Pete Salemno Sep 24 Sally Palmer Sep 21 Barb Schupeltz Oct 1 Anniversaries: Marty and Sally Palmer Sep 21 Tony and Julia Mapes Sep 25 Nancy and Stephen Guenst Sep 18
CLUB NEWS | 2022-09-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Diane Hegele..American Legion AuxiliaryAMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY Founded in 1919, The American Legion Auxiliary has nearly 1 million members from all walks of life. The Auxiliary administers hundreds of volunteer programs, gives tens of thousands of hours to its communities and to veterans, and raises millions of dollars to support its own programs, as well as other worthwhile charities It is all accomplished with volunteers,100 of them are from Post 798 located at County Line and Davisville Roads on the Warminster Township side of the road but in the Hatboro Post Office. Our members in the Auxiliary are from all over both Bucks and Montgomery County areas. While originally organized to assist The American Legion, the Auxiliary has achieved its own unique identity while working side-by-side with the veterans who belong to the Legion. Like the Legion, the Auxiliary’s interests have broadened to encompass the entire community. The Legion has expanded and in addition to the Legion and Auxiliary there is the Riders and Son’s now. All 4 are at this Legion Post The Auxiliary is made up of the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Through its nearly 10,500 units located in every state and some foreign countries, the Auxiliary embodies the spirit of America that has prevailed through war and peace. Along with The American Legion, it solidly stands behind America and its ideals. Diane joined the Auxiliary 20 years ago when she met her husband who is a life member, joining after his service to our country in foreign conflict. She is finishing up her term as President after serving for the last 7 years. She will be sworn in this weekend as Treasurer. She also volunteers some time to the American Legion Post in Brigantine NJ when time permits. The auxiliary meets once a month from September through June. Some things the Auxiliary does:
Candidates should be keenly interested in government and current events and show strong leadership abilities. Because the structure of state and local government varies, ALA Girls State programs may vary in content and method of procedure, but each adheres to the same basic core values.
If you are interested in joining dues are $25 per year. You must meet criteria to join. If you are interested in making a donation for food drive or Christmas Program for Vets, come to American Legion Post 798 County Line and Davisvill Rds Saturday Sept 24 and Sunday Sept 25th 8AM to 4PM (Rain or Shine). For more information, visit the auxiliary website Auxiliary ( |
Diane Hegele..American Legion Auxiliary | 2022-09-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Congratulations to Jesse Brookreson![]() Tony Mapes, Club Foundation Chair Congratulates Jesse Brookreson on earning his second Paul Harris Fellow pin. (PHF+2). By making regular automatic payments to Rotary foundation, it is easy to accumulate the $1000 needed to become a PHF. You choose where you want that money to go..such as General Fund, Polio Plus etc. |
Congratulations to Jesse Brookreson | 2022-09-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS | 2022-09-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWSCongratulations to club members:
Don't Forget!!
CLUB NEWS | 2022-09-07 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS! | 2022-08-31 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB and COMMUNITY NEWS | 2022-08-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Hayden Renk.. STEM YEA
Hayden Renk.. STEM YEA | 2022-08-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
David Zellers Jr...Director of Commerce for Montgomery CountyToday we welcomed David Zellers Jr to the club. He is the Director of Commerce for Montgomery County. A graduate of York College of PA and Miami University of Ohio, he is passionate about Civic engagement, partnership development, strategic planning, collective impact and all things community, economic and workforce development. So, what does the Montgomery County Commerce Department do? The short answer is provides workforce development services and assistance to businesses, individuals, communities, investors, entrepreneurs and institutions. There is a wealth of knowledge on their websites and Each of these sites has links to many of the programs provided, and information on the county and its 62 municipalities. What are you interested in?
The Commerce Department may be small (15-16 staff) but they have a network of partnerships, services, programs and assistance they can provide. Not sure how the Commerce Department can help you? Go to the website and complete a Commerce Department Assistance Request Form. A member of the staff will contact you to discuss your business, goals, and needs. They will connect you with services, and technical assistance from their many partners who can help your business succeed. On the website there are many links to the programs provided whether it be for youth, young Adults, veterans, or business owners. |
David Zellers Jr...Director of Commerce for Montgomery County | 2022-08-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
LOBSTER POT | 2022-08-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
EVER WONDER??Did you ever wonder what Rotarians do in the community? Yes, we support many organizations with some financial help BUT we don't sit on our laurels...We have Rotarians that volunteer weekly at 3 food pantries. a few delivers for Meals on Wheels; several help pack and deliver food for HAT Packs; Rotarians on the Union Library Board as well as Hatboro Town Council and the YMCA board . The list goes on.
EVER WONDER?? | 2022-08-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS | 2022-08-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Deena Derenzis..Hatboro Events CommitteeWant to get more involved in the community? Consider joining or volunteering with the Hatboro Events Committee. The goal of this active group is to create a sense of community for residents and nonresidents. to your right, you will see a Download on the Hatboro Events Committee and look through many of their projects such as
Want to get involved? See an event you would like to help with? You can donate some time (any length of time) for events and if you have ideas or questions, reach out to Dena at http://DDERENZIS@ |
Deena Derenzis..Hatboro Events Committee | 2022-07-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
LOBSTER POT 2022![]() |
LOBSTER POT 2022 | 2022-07-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2022-07-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Elle Anzinger...Hatboro EAC ChairSpeaker: Elle Anzinger is the Chair of the Hatboro EAC and a member of the Pennypack Steering committee. She is a former Council member. She has a varied background in geology, environmental engineering and works with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) What is the EAC?: Established in 2020, the Borough of Hatboro Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) is an appointed board comprised of Borough officials, residents, and business owners who devote themselves to protecting Hatboro’s environment. The EAC’s focus is on protecting the environment and improving sustainability. The EAC research environmental issues and funding sources in order to advise Borough officials as they consider undertaking projects that preserve, protect, and support the natural environment. The EAC provides education on environmental issues. Some of their recent activities:
These are only a few of the EAC projects with many more on the horizon. The EAC can be found at To contact Elle |
Elle Anzinger...Hatboro EAC Chair | 2022-07-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CONGRATULATIONSCongrats to Don Solomon celebrating 27 years in Rotary Congrats to Mike and Karen Kearns on their 52 Wedding Anniversary
CONGRATULATIONS | 2022-07-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB NEWS | 2022-07-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Jeremy Tom - Camp Neidig participant
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on Jul 06, 2022
One of the Rotary Club of Hatboro's Areas of Service is Youth Service. Darlene Malone heads a committee under this area of Youth Service, and she works with the Hatboro-Horsham High School to identify students who would want to attend CAMP NEIDIG - Home a Rotary Leadership Development Camp. The Rotary Club of Hatboro then sponsors students to attend Camp Neidig and club members transport them to and from the camp. This year Jeremy Tom attended and then presented to the club on his experience at the camp. Jeremy created a slide show to of his experience at Camp Neidig. He explained that he was very apprehensive and nervous about attending the 4-day camp as he did not know anyone else attending. At the camp they divided the campers into "tribes" Jeremy's tribe had 15 members and they wore red bandanas to identify them. The different tribes worked together over the 4-days and became friends that still keep in touch through social media. some of the activities at the camp included problem solving games and also team games. Campers were also encouraged to use their talents. Jeremy is a talented photographer and videographer and so he interviewed campers asking their personal experience on aspects of the camp. Some of the campers interviewed explained how they learned from failure in some of the activities and how working together as a team allowed them to succeed. Jeremy explained that by the end of the camp he was more confident and that the camp was very meaningful to him. He encouraged our club to keep sponsoring students to attend.
Jeremy Tom - Camp Neidig participant | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-07-06 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary 2022-2023On 1 July we begin a new Rotary Year! President's change, Logo's change. Here is a peak at our new logo ![]() According to the Rotary International website. Jennifer Jones imagines Rotary fulfilling big dreams. "Imagine, a world that deserves our best where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference." Imagine Rotary the theme for 2022-2023 explained by incoming President Jennifer Jones.
Rotary 2022-2023 | 2022-06-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2022-06-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Scholarship Winner! Shreya GorawalaWe were honored today to have one of our scholarship winners join us. Accompanied by her Dad Manisn, Shreya is on her way to Penn State and a degree in Medicine. We wish you well and hope you will come and visit us when home. Best of Luck from all of us! ![]() |
Scholarship Winner! Shreya Gorawala | 2022-06-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
New Rotarian!Congratulations to Barbara Rudakevych, our newest Rotarian. Welcome to the Club and to Rotary Barbara and President Karen. ![]() |
New Rotarian! | 2022-06-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rick Michael..WRDV Radio PeronalitySPEAKER: Rick Michael is the music director of the WRDV radio network and is host of the Record Hop and Wake Up Live. He also hosts a monthly show with Council President Bollendorf where different borough Officials and groups talk about all things Hatboro. WRDV is a noncommercial educational public radio station operated by the Bux-Mont Educational Radio Association, a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation. Programs are heard on 89.3 FM Warminster, 107.3 FM Philadelphia. 97.1 FM Bensalem, and on WLBS 91.7 FM Bristol-Levittown. current estimate is they have over 100000 listeners. The association has operated the station since 1980 providing training to individuals seeking a career in broadcasting. All staff at the station are volunteers. funding for the station is provided by local businesses, private donations, large corporations and occasionally grants from government agencies and private foundations. They also host a Community Bulletin Board for other non-profits and Church Groups to announce upcoming events. (Please send those announcements in at least 6 weeks in advance). They have a great website with lots of info, calendar of upcoming programs, a gallery of photos and much more (Just a note: Ben Michael (an HHHS Grad), Rick's son is currently acting on Broadway and has a number of stage credits to his follow your dreams everyone!!)
Rick Michael..WRDV Radio Peronality | 2022-06-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Gardeners of Crooked BilletToday we welcomed Judy Swenson who has been a member of the Gardeners of Crooked billet for over 20 years. The Gardeners of Crooked Billet was founded by Mrs. Frank H. Mather in 1937. The object of this organization is to promote interest in the art of gardening, to aid in the protection of native trees, plants and birds, and to encourage civic planting. Mr. Frank Mather was elected the first president, with four other men to follow in two-year terms as presidents. The first civic improvement project was the cleanup of the Wunderle tract, a weed grown piece of land located in Hatboro at the south end of York Rd across from the Methodist Church. Pink petunias were planted along with other flowers and shrubs. The project was so successful, and the pink petunias were so beautiful and cheerful that the pink petunia was declared Hatboro's flower by Mrs. Mather. Later the field was leveled and paved for a parking lot for an Acme. Victory gardens were promoted in 1942 with about 100 new vegetable gardens planted in Hatboro and vicinity. After the war a generous gift of seeds was sent to devastated Finland. Another result of the clubs' efforts was the appointment of a Shade Tree Commission in the borough in 1944. On April 28, 1976, a bicentennial commemorative shade tree was presented to Hatboro's Park and Recreation Committee by the Gardeners at a ceremony in Eaton Park. A tree, a 4-inch caliper Norway Maple, variety "Emerald Queen" was selected for smog and pollution resistance as well as superior growth habits. In 1981 the Gardeners of Crooked Billet took on a new challenge in planting and maintaining the herb garden at Keith House located at Graeme Park on County Line Rd. Becci, a member of the club at the time considered the rejuvenation of the historical herb garden an important task for the club. She thought it provided an education for people today to learn about the herbs from yesterday. Currently, the garden is still maintained by the Gardeners of Crooked Billet and holds a variety of old-fashioned herbs such as comfrey, horehound and lovage just to name a few. In honor of Becci's dedication and vision the Gardeners named the herb garden, "Becci's" Herb Garden. Some more recent projects include the garden at the south end of York Rd by the sign at the entrance to Hatboro and a Children's garden at the Union Library which is a pollinator garden. The club has about 35 members and meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Church of the Advent 12 Byberry Road Hatboro (Use the Rorer Avenue entrance.) Every month there is a guest speaker. {Rumor has it that they have the BEST dessert table in town}. The club also goes on some field trips such as touring a private colonial garden behind Moland house (Sat Jun 18 at 1000...feel free to tag along!). Please visit their Facebook page . |
Gardeners of Crooked Billet | 2022-06-15 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2022-06-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Cindy Bollendorf..Hatboro Downtown DevelopmentWelcome to Cindy Bollendorf, Hatboro's Downtown Development Director. Cindy has been with the Borough for 4 years and serves as a resource for new and current businesses in Hatboro. Currently there are over 300 Businesses in the Borough, and we continue to grow. New and prospective business owners receive a packet titled "Opening a business in Hatboro" which contains a great deal of information regarding the Process of what is required, obtaining business permits, registering your business, tax information, licenses, zoning and much more. Prospective new business owners are also given:
Hatboro also puts out a newsletter twice a year which is full of great information about our town, trash collection, the pool, the library, code enforcement, law enforcement, emergency management and much more. One of Cindy's many jobs is event planning. Many or quite possibly most events in Hatboro are sponsored by local businesses and/or organizations. Hatboro has a wonderful guide called "Borough of Hatboro Sponsorship Guide" which can be obtained by calling 2154439100 We all know how important social media has become to both individuals and communities. Hatboro continues to expand their use of social media both for business owners and residents. Looking for more information about events etc. Go to |
Cindy Bollendorf..Hatboro Downtown Development | 2022-06-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Borough Council Proclamation![]() |
Borough Council Proclamation | 2022-06-01 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Dan Young..Swiig Juice Bar and cafeRight here in our town is a new juice bar and cafe. Remember Nourishing Storm across from Mc Donalds?? It is now call SWIIG. 25 years ago Dan Young became ill and up until that time he had been in good health. Please read his story Along the road to recovery from illness, Dan did a lot of research which reinforced his core belief that whole-foods are Nature’s Pharmacy, and within the fruits, veggies, grains, beans, legumes, lean proteins and healthy fats are countless phytonutrients, micronutrients and macronutrients that science estimates may exceed 100,000 different kinds. He was denying himself of these healing nutrients for years; it’s no wonder his immune system was compromised! Through research, diet change and exercise, Dan healed himself. His juice bars are world wide and now number 3000. This morning we got a taste of two great smoothies! Interested in learning more about swig and their products, click this link There is a wealth of information on these two website links, check it out AND go visit SWIIG in Hatboro!
Dan Young..Swiig Juice Bar and cafe | 2022-06-01 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Fireside Chat“Fireside Chat” Orientation Meetings are a long-standing Hatboro Rotary tradition going back to the 1950s. On Thursday evening, May 19, 2022, Hatboro Rotary Past Presidents Russ Fairlie (1987–88), Linda Roehner (2003–04), Katrina Sullivan (2013–14) and Gary Chamberlain (2016–17) hosted a “Fireside Chat” for Club Members Marty Palmer, George Bollendorf, Nancy Guenst, Diane Hegele, Charles Lockard , Alex Myers, Susan Friedman, and Art Friedman in the Boardroom of Hatboro Federal Savings Bank. This was the first “Fireside Chat” held in several years, due to Covid face-to-face restrictions over the past few years. The group discussed Club organization, Board functions and responsibilities, Rotary International, District 7430, the Rotary Foundation, Club budget and finances, the committee structure, Club attendance procedures, and the Club website. The Past Presidents shared history with and feelings about both Rotary International and our local Club. Those attending asked numerous thoughtful questions. The newer Members were encouraged to get involved in Club committees and projects, and to seek further Rotary information from long-term Members and the Board at any time. |
Fireside Chat | 2022-05-27 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Charter Night 2022
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on May 25, 2022
Charter Night 2022 | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-05-25 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Fire Marshal - Tyler Dermer
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on May 18, 2022
Fire Marshal Tyler Dermer presented to the club on his work. Tyler explained that he has 10 years experience and is the new Full time Fire Marshal in Hatboro. His daily tasks include inspections of property maintenance. Residents that allow their grass to get to high can receive a citation. Vacant properties need to be maintained for appearance and safety. Repair of low hanging cables from communication companies can be a challenge. Tyler explained that he examines plans for new developments to ensure fire lanes, hydrants etc. Tyler enjoys his work is on call 24/7.
Hatboro Fire Marshal - Tyler Dermer | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-05-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Gold Star Garden
Posted by Gary Chamberlain on May 11, 2022
Hatboro Rotary member and Hatboro Council President George Bollendorf presented to the club on the proposed Hatboro Gold Star Garden at Miller Meadow. Gold Star Families are comprised of spouses, parents, children, siblings, and others whose family members died in service to our country. Gold Star Families are a vital part of the military community and receive the utmost honor and respect. An upcoming fundraiser is on Friday, June 10th. The Gold Star Garden Beef and Beer Fundraiser will be held at the Warminster VFW! All proceeds of this event will benefit the construction of the Gold Star Garden in Miller Meadow! Tickets can be purchased for $40.00 each by contacting Cindy Bollendorf Bricks are available for purchase for $100.00 each and can be engraved to honor loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, veterans of the armed forces, or even those currently serving. The 4”x8” bricks will be used to construct a lit path leading up to the Gold Star Garden. Pavers can be dedicated to a Gold Star Family, Veteran, Current Service Member, or Military Organization. A sample brick inscription can be listed below: The center of the garden will be adorned with the Fallen Soldier memorial statue to honor those our country has lost. The American Flag and Gold Star flag will be flown proudly above the garden with decorative lighting throughout the area to keep the memory of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice shining on.
Hatboro Gold Star Garden | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-05-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2022-04-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Ken Davidson..2nd alarmers Part 2We were fortunate to have Ken with us today to discuss funding/finances for EMS services. Ever wonder how those services are paid for?? They are a 501 c3 and DO have a fund raiser yearly but it never covers the need. Annual budget for EMS is about 5.8 million annually. Even though they are a "fee for service " organization, it never covers the cost of ambulance services.
Ken Davidson..2nd alarmers Part 2 | 2022-04-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Help for UkraineThere are many ways to donate to help Ukraine!
Help for Ukraine | 2022-04-15 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
New RotariansWelcome Sue and Art Friedman Today we installed Susan and Art Friedman as new club members. Welcome to rotary! Karen Kearns sponsored them. Please welcome them to the club! ![]() |
New Rotarians | 2022-04-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Katie Farrell..Rotary FoundationRotary
Katie Farrell..Rotary Foundation | 2022-04-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS updated 4/13
ANNOUNCEMENTS updated 4/13 | 2022-04-06 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Diane Hegele...Classification SpeechOur newest member of this club gave her classification speech this morning. This is a woman with "drive" in her bones. To hear all that she has accomplished in life was extremely interesting. We all should be proud to have her as our Borough Manager. Club members can read her presentation by going to the organization tab and clicking on documents tab (go to Member Bios, names are alphabetical by first name)
Diane Hegele...Classification Speech | 2022-04-06 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2022-03-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Bill and Nancy...Horsham Miracle fieldSPEAKERS: Bill Slaymaker and Nancy Kirby regarding the proposed Horsham Miracle Field Complex. What is a Miracle Field? A Miracle Field is a fully accessible soft-service field for athletes of all ages with physical and cognitive disabilities. These fields have rubber turf surfaces to accommodate wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, or braces allowing people of all abilities to play baseball. Since 1996 Challenger Little League has given those with physical and intellectual disabilities the chance to play baseball. The current field where they play is not ADA compliant, difficult for them to get to, a distance from the rest rooms and too close to Horsham Road. The proposed field will be the center of a complex which will have a playground, concession area, new bathrooms (instead of porta potties) and parking for easy access to the field. Phase 1 of the project is to build the field, including dugouts, lighting and bathrooms. Phase 2 build the concession area and phase 3 build a playground for all children including those with disabilities. Before COVID, over 100 children were enrolled in Challenger Little League, currently enrollment is about 50+. Fundraising has begun for this very worthwhile project! Please click on the link to their website for more information and/or to donate to this worthwhile organization. Let's Do Something Amazing!
Bill and Nancy...Horsham Miracle field | 2022-03-30 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
4 Way Test contest
4 Way Test contest | 2022-03-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2022-03-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Kathleen Gipson..Jarrett Nature CenterJarrett Nature Center, Horsham PA: "The mission of the Jarrett Nature Center is to provide environmental education for the students of The Hatboro-Horsham School District, to protect and nurture an on-campus wildlife habitat, and to promote understanding, respect and responsibility for our environment through a supportive collaboration of educators, students, parents and community members."
Kathleen Gipson..Jarrett Nature Center | 2022-03-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CLUB HAPPENINGS | 2022-03-02 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
NEW MEMBERCongratulations to Diane Hegele, our newest member. Diane was installed today at our club meeting. She received her pin from two of three sponsors..Alex Myers and Linda Roehner (Nancy Guenst was also a sponsor) We are so happy you FINALLY joined. ![]() |
NEW MEMBER | 2022-03-02 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Second Alarmer'sWHO ARE SECOND ALARMER'S? Career and volunteer highly trained Paramedics who provide high level pre-hospital emergency medical care, rescue and related services in a compassionate and professional manner to the community. We were fortunate to have John Hill and Ken Davidson (Assistant Chief) with us today. Although founded in 1938 services didn't start until after WWII. They have 5 stations including Hatboro, Willow Grove, Edge Hill, Elkins Park, and Whitpain. Four of those stations are staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week. With 20 vehicles (7 are Advanced life support ambulances (ALS), they are able to provide much needed emergency services to the communities. Last year, they made 13000 runs. To view their monthly statistics for each area, please go to their website During the talk this morning, John shared what was in their "red bag" backpack which they carry on every call. Some of the items in that bag include medications, glucometer, IV start kit, sharps container, hot/cold/ packs, emesis container and much more. (This is a very short list of items). The most frequent calls are for falls, and shortness of breath and heart problems. With the equipment they carry, they are able to run EKGs and determine whether someone has a heart problem needing immediate care thus facilitating faster treatment. so don't ignore that chest pain!! |
Second Alarmer's | 2022-03-02 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
SHELTERBOXSHELTERBOX is responding to the crisis in Ukraine! You can donate to ShelterBox by following the link I am providing. When you click on their donate Button, you will be able to put in your Rotary District number (7430) and write in you Rotary Club name. So please donate Thank you!
SHELTERBOX | 2022-03-02 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
SHELTERBOXJesse updated us on ShelterBox. Our club has been a longtime supporter of this organization. ShelterBox responds to disasters, armed conflicts where people are displaced, hurricanes, typhoons etc. with supplies, tents, cooking utensils, blankets and other items. Currently ShelterBox has responded to the following countries: Philippines (Super typhoon Rai); Haiti (Hurricane); Yemen (civil war, starvation, failing economy); Syria (ongoing conflicts and emergency levels of coronavirus).; Lake Chad Basin (Boko Haram Insurgency displaced 10+ Million people).: Mozambique (violent attacks by Islamic extremist group). Ethiopia (Armed conflicts). Burkina Faso (1 million people forced to flee homes because of extremist violence). They also continue to monitor conditions in Tonga as the volcano erupts. Today, around 113 million people around the world have been displaced by natural disaster and conflict. ShelterBox is actively working to change this.They are constantly providing emergency shelter and tools to displaced families around the world. Natural disasters and conflicts never take days off, and neither does ShelterBox. They are always on the ground, working to help the most vulnerable, no matter how remote. ShelterBox wants to see a world where no family is left without shelter after disaster. Find out more about us.As Club members, let's save our pennies and other loose change to donate to ShelterBox!! |
SHELTERBOX | 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
PAUL HARRIS +2CONGRATULATIONS TO TOM FINERGHTY WHO RECEIVED HIS SECOND PAUL HARRIS PIN! How did he achieve this?? By signing up for monthly donations to Rotary foundation. For every $1000 you get another PHF pin.
PAUL HARRIS +2 | 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Joanne Cochran..Code Blue shelterWhat is a Code Blue shelter and where is it? Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH) is an alliance of individuals and organizations assisting unsheltered adults in Central Bucks County.
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING? The code blue Shelter in Bucks County is in need of Volunteers.
For more information go to You do not have to be a Rotarian to volunteer. don't let people sleep in the cold because a shelter is unable to open due to staffing. |
Joanne Cochran..Code Blue shelter | 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Happy Birthday Rotary!!FEBRUARY 23 1905 Paul Harris established the first Rotary Club in Chicago IL
Happy Birthday Rotary!! | 2022-02-23 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary FoundationGETTING TO KNOW YOUR ROTARY FOUNDATION At the 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta, President Arch Klumph planted the seed for what is now the Rotary Foundation.
Rotary Foundation | 2022-02-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary FoundationToday Tony mentioned that he was going to do a monthly donation to Polio Plus, working toward another Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) Many people think donating to foundation takes away funds which could be applied locally. That's true in a sense however when funds are donated to foundation, the total donated by a district in a given year grows and in three years' time a percentage is returned as District Designated Funds which is used for the grants our district approves. It doesn't take much to begin your journey toward a PHF. One of the easiest ways is to use Rotary direct and make automatic Monthly payments for as low as $10 a month. Wouldn't it be nice to have every member of this club make a contribution to Foundation (General Fund, Polio Plus as well as two other funds). Will you think about donating? Thanks everyone! There are four ways to do donate:
Rotary Foundation | 2022-02-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Announcements | 2022-02-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Tim Schultz...Hatboro MayorWe were honored to have Tim join us today to talk about the office of the mayor.
Tim Schultz...Hatboro Mayor | 2022-02-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Terri Morsette.. Lehman Church Food PantryTerri is the Director of the Hatboro Lehman United Methodist Church Food Pantry. As per their website, no one should struggle with food insecurity. Their Loaves & Fishes food pantry distributes food Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to noon. If you know someone who needs food, please make them aware of our food pantry. If you would like to donate food or money you can drop it off anytime the church office is open - Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Pantry serves about 55 families per week which is greater than 200 individuals. Thanks to the many grants which they have received and donations from other organizations, they have been able to distribute fresh food to their customers. Fresh is so much better then canned food!! The pantry continues to be n need of items such as tuna fish, pasta sauce, cereal and other nonperishable items. People often forget that the pantries also are in need of items such as toilet paper, paper towels, and personal hygiene items. The pantry continues to need volunteers on any of the three days they are open. Please consider volunteering to help the pantries starting at 9 am Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. For more information, go to the Church website
Terri Morsette.. Lehman Church Food Pantry | 2022-02-09 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Ernie Pio...Street Food Sandwich ShopSuch fun to listen to Ernie tell us stories about his family and how he started Street Food Sandwich Shop in Hatboro. Street Food Sandwich Shop was conceived from his mom's cooking and the Olney neighborhood he grew up in. Its real food made with the passion and back in the day authenticity. Ernie did attend culinary Institute, has restaurants in other places but wanted to have something in a community where he could get to know his customers, call them by name and give them a quality product...real food like his mom use to make. He envisioned a staff that greeted every customer by name and there was consistency in what they served and how they served it. The shop is 9 Months old, and I can attest to how delicious the food is!! He is located right where he wants to Hatboro at 7 York Road and where there is lots of foot traffic. You can dine in, order takeout or grab a bag already prepared. More info can be found on Facebook or the website They are open daily except Mondays. Stop by and grab a won't be disappointed! |
Ernie Pio...Street Food Sandwich Shop | 2022-02-02 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Announcements | 2022-01-26 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Kyle Derner.. Public Works HatboroSPEAKER: Kyle Derner Deputy superintendent of Hatboro Public Works What's happening in public Works? Many of the projects may be eligible for government grants.
Kyle Derner.. Public Works Hatboro | 2022-01-26 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Barbara Schupeltz - Rotary Foundation Major Donor Recognition
Posted on Jan 19, 2022
![]() Major Donor The Rotary Foundation recognizes those individuals or couples whose combined personal giving has reached $10,000, regardless of the gift designation. The Rotary Foundation’s designations: Annual Fund SHARE, PolioPlus, World Fund (area of greatest need), Endowment Fund, Disaster Response Fund, Global Grants, Areas of Focus. The Annual Fund of The Rotary Foundation is probably the fund with which Rotarian's are most familiar. It is the fund that allows, after three years, a return of that which has been donated to the Annual Fund to come back to the Rotary District and Rotary Clubs as District Designated Funds. Major Donor Levels $10,000 to 24,999.99 – Level One 25,000 to 49,999.99 – Level Two 50,000 to 99,999.99 – Level Three 100,000 to 499,999.99 – Level Four 500,000 to 999,999.99 – Level Five 1,000,000 or greater – Level Six ![]() The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world.Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world. Our missionThe Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty. What impact can one donation have?
Barbara Schupeltz - Rotary Foundation Major Donor Recognition | Gary Chamberlain | 2022-01-19 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Kristin Ritter...Nourishing StormKristin owns Nourishing Storm Cafe and Studio. This is a wellness company which focuses on building community while providing a safe haven for healing, transformation, and expansion. They offer weekly yoga classes, teacher training, retreats, a local artist shop, and healthy cafe. What are some of their offerings?? Smoothies, Juices, Coffee, Tea, Yoga, Meditation, Massage and Reiki. During the pandemic, they have both in studio and zoom yoga sessions. Not sure you'll like yoga? Ask about a trial yoga class. If you want to eat better, focus more on healthy living, then follow the link. The cafe menu has many breakfast and lunch items to satisfy many tastes. Want more information about classes? Call 2158823154 or stop in at the cafe. (It is located on York Rd across from McDonalds) Stop in for a smoothie, hot chocolate, or a Funky Monkey Waffle! Thanks Kristin!
Kristin Ritter...Nourishing Storm | 2022-01-19 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Mike Williams...Peace CorpsOur Zoom speaker today was Mike Williams. Mike went to Moldova in Eastern Europe from 2013 to 2015 as a Peace Corps volunteer. The Peace Corps started in 1961 and serves 140 countries. It was established to fulfill three goals: To help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women. To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served. To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. In Moldova, there were 4 areas of concentration: Health Education; English Education; Community Organization; and Small Business help. He lived with a host family and did the same chores as the rest of the family, tending to the animals, chopping wood, etc. He paid rent, had to learn the language both Romanian and Russian; taught health education and also provided much needed donated supplies such as new kitchen utensils and dishes and soccer shoes among other things. Chisinau is the capitol of Moldova and can be explored online through this link Volunteering with the Peace corps can bring many challenges but also great satisfaction as one navigates new and very different places. Post Peace corps assignments, many volunteers keep in touch with people from their host country, promote the Peace Corps and in many ways continue to support and help their host country. for more information regarding the Peace Corps, please visit |
Mike Williams...Peace Corps | 2022-01-12 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Jim Maccaroni ..Millbrook SocietyToday we welcomed the very talented Jim Maccaroni from the Millbrook Society. Jim is a Graphic Designer, edits the Millbrook society Newsletter, designs activity books for kids, and much more. Jim is promoting the book "Hatboro, Then and Now". For a $20 donation the book is available in 9 locations throughout the Borough. (See website for a list of the locations). It is an interesting look at our past and present in Hatboro. Jim is very connected to Hatboro. He designs and helps with flyers, posters and many other things for the Hatboro Chamber. Do you want to get involved in preserving the history of our town?? Please visit the Millbrook Society Website for information on membership, projects, volunteer opportunities, history and many other things about the Society
Jim Maccaroni ..Millbrook Society | 2022-01-05 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Last Club Meeting before 2022This was a perfect way to end 2021! Today we inducted a new club member, Charles Lockard. Charles has been working with this club prior to his induction. We are extremely happy he has joined the club and look forward to many memorable times together helping our community, building parade floats and of course serving at Lobster Pot. Welcome Charles! (Club members, you can read his bio in the organization page under documents) We wish everyone a very Happy New Year and we will return to regular meetings Jan 5 2022
Last Club Meeting before 2022 | 2021-12-26 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Madrigal SingersOn Wed the Hatboro Horsham High School Madrigal Singers under the direction of Alison Lagan entertained us with Christmas Music. These are extremely talented students, and it was a pleasure listening to them. |
Madrigal Singers | 2021-12-16 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Jennifer Burke..Sara's Smiles FoundationSara's story:Sara Burke was a vibrant, energetic, fun-loving five-year-old. She loved arts and crafts, mac ‘n cheese, music, her Big Wheel, and her big brother and big sister. On July 6, 2007, Sara was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. She underwent many surgeries, chemotherapy, stem cell transplants, and procedures of all sorts. Sara’s initial brain surgery left her with significant deficits such as left-sided weakness and double vision. Sara worked very hard in a variety of therapies to regain her strength, coordination, and independence. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia became a home away from home for Sara and her family. She and her mother lived there for seven months. Tragically on May 12, 2008, Sara lost her courageous battle with cancer (taken from Saras Smiles website) Sara's Smiles foundation was established in 2008 and became a 501(3C) in 2011. The Foundation is committed to helping children who are battling cancer live every moment to the fullest. Sara’s Smiles Foundation believes that children can be empowered by taking an active part in their experience. They believe fear can be eased by helping children and their families better understand their journeys. Sara’s Smiles offers resources that not only educate, but also create a positive, personal environment. On their website there is a user-friendly list of organizations that support and advocate for children with cancer as well as websites for games, arts and crafts, stress management, and pain relief. Inspiration Kits: This organization delivers 700-800 Kits per year to children with cancer. The kits are portable and practical. They are filled with items such as small toys, pads for art and self-expression, a file folder for paperwork and keepsakes, an item of room décor, fun, cozy socks, and much more. Kits are free and distributed through hospitals affiliated with Sara's Smiles or can be ordered by individual families. For more information about this Foundation please visit their website, it is full of very useful information! or contact them at
Jennifer Burke..Sara's Smiles Foundation | 2021-12-08 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2021-12-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Chief Gardner..Hatboro Police ChiefHappy to have Chief Gardner with us today.
Chief Gardner..Hatboro Police Chief | 2021-12-01 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Hatboro Holiday Parade 2021 |
Hatboro Holiday Parade 2021 | 2021-11-24 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary Meeting Nov 24We are very thankful in this club for many things. Today club members shared with others what they are thankful for. President Karen read some Thanksgiving poems and Bob shared part of the Holiday Parade video. We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy the day with family and friends.
Rotary Meeting Nov 24 | 2021-11-24 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ANNOUNCEMENTS | 2021-11-24 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Holiday Parade 2021Thank you to the Rotarians and visitors who came out and rode or walked beside our float. Special Thanks to the Two Marines who walked in front of us and carried the Toys for Tot's banner. It was a bit chilly but we had fun and Hatboro Residents and visitors were in a festive and happy mood. Thank you to those along the route who contributed to Toys for Tot's. A big Thank you to Gabby (And her Dad Lawrence) from Interact and Danielle, (Fabby's Daughter) who came out on Saturday to help put the float together and then paint it! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Holiday Parade 2021 | 2021-11-22 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Bill Walker... Horsham Township ManagerWelcome to Bill Walker, Horsham Rotarian and Horsham Township Manager What's happening in Horsham
There is a lot going on in Horsham. Please visit their website to find out more information. Our two communities are closely connected so it is in our best interest to know how things are going and future plans.
Bill Walker... Horsham Township Manager | 2021-11-17 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Honoring VeteransToday we would like to Honor Our Country's Veterans. Many of our current club members spoke briefly about their service to this country and also about their family members who served in WWII and other wars. It certainly makes one stop , remember and honor those who served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Honoring Veterans | 2021-11-10 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Mike Cerino Warminster Food BankFor expanded information on the Warminster Food Bank , please visit 2153234797 Warminster Food Bank has been operating since 1958 as a local Food assistance Agency. Each basket given out contains $250 worth of food. This is not a food pantry but purely food assistance. They are open 15 hours a week including afternoon and Saturday hours. Whatever excess they may have is donated to area food pantries in Hatboro, Warminster, Willow Grove etc. In 2020 and 2021 they hosted mass distribution events distributing over 35000 ibs of food to over 1000 families. Since April 2020 they have served 1475 families at their facility of which 415 came from Montgomery County. To those families, 51,875 lbs of food was distributed. Currently their monthly food budget $5500/per month for 100 families. They are consistently serving 120 families. How can you help?
Please visit the Food Pantry Website to see what types of food products are needed. You can also volunteer, and make monetary donations from the website |
Mike Cerino Warminster Food Bank | Barbara Schupeltz | 2021-11-03 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Paige Zalewski..Habitat of bucks County
Speaker: Paige Zalewski...Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County. What is Habitat? Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County works hard to meet the housing needs of our families in our county and the surrounding communities by creating a path to home ownership. Sometimes people can’t afford to repair their home, and we partner with them to find solutions. Families in need of decent shelter apply to local Habitat affiliates. The affiliate’s family selection committee chooses homeowners based on their level of need, their willingness to become partners in the program and their ability to repay the loan. Every affiliate follows a nondiscriminatory policy of family selection. Neither race nor religion is a factor in choosing the families who receive Habitat houses. Families chosen must help in the process of either building or renovating their property...a little sweat equity! The family also pays for the mortgage on the is not for free. But building /renovating homes is not all they do. If you need help repairing something in your home , you can reach out to Habitat for possible assistance. An applicant must own and live in a home in Bucks County needing repairs. Total household income must be under 80% of Bucks County’s median income. The homeowner demonstrates a need for assistance to do the repair due to disability, frailty, demands of single parenting, or other family circumstance. The homeowner is current on their property taxes and mortgage. Habitat also runs stores called Restore . The items in these stores is donated and prices are marked down..some items they have are building materials, household items, furniture and more. It is well worth visiting a Restore before you start your home project. Need help with managing your finances, sign up for a Financial Empowerment session. Whether you are interested in becoming a volunteer, would like to donate, or would like to learn more about their housing programs, reach out to Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County at 215.822.2812. |
Paige Zalewski..Habitat of bucks County Habitat for humanity of Bucks County | Barbara Schupeltz | 2021-10-27 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Dr. Tony MapesSpeaker: Dr. Tony Mapes (retired)
Tony's Bio: Tony lived in the states for six years and then went to Switzerland for 12 years. His parents worked for the World Health Organization. He is married with 2 children and 4 grandchildren. He has a Masters in Biology; went on to Dental School and became an orthodontist with a practice in Hatboro. He is now retired and loves painting.
Dr. Tony Mapes | Barbara Schupeltz | 2021-10-20 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Mary Cook...Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Posted on Oct 06, 2021
SPEAKER: Mary Cook, Member of Collegeville Rotary Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a top priority for Rotary International, one that underscores the core values that are a foundation for how members interact with each other and their communities. Over the last two years, the RI Board of Directors have taken steps to cement Rotary's commitment to being an organization that sets the standard for valuing and living the principals of DEI. In 2019 the Board adopted Rotary's DEI statement that affirms its commitment to DEI and recognizes that welcoming people with differing perspectives and ideas enhances Rotary's ability to create lasting change in communities worldwide. It's crucial that everyone who engages with Rotary -- no matter who they are in the world, or how long they have been connected with Rotary – to feel valued, respected, and welcomed. Rotary's capacity for doing good is amplified when we not only welcome, but actively invite, a variety of experiences, cultures, and perspective. (taken from RI website). What does that mean?
DIVERSITY: We welcome people of all backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and identities. What is the makeup of your club? Diversity is dynamic and recognizes the differences in people. EQUITY: Rotary strives for the fair treatment, opportunity, and advancement of all Rotary participants. Equality versus Equity...Ask this question Have we given each member the tools to succeed? Such as: are our meeting places wheelchair accessible; Do we use a microphone for meetings so that all members especially the hearing impaired can hear the programs? Do we consider members suggestions and ideas moving forward? INCLUSION: Rotary is working to create experiences where all people feel welcomed. Do you greet and get to know prospective new members? Challenge yourself to discover members and especially new members experiences , skills and strengths! Thank you Mary for joining us and educating us on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Mary Cook...Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | 2021-10-06 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Katie Farrell..7430 Foundation Chair
Posted on Sep 29, 2021
Speaker: Katie Farrell (Warminster Rotary) District 7430 Foundation Chair What is Rotary Foundation? At the 1917 convention, outgoing Rotary president Arch Klumph proposed setting up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” That one idea, and an initial contribution of $26.50, set in motion a powerful force that has transformed millions of lives around the globe. The foundation helps Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty. The foundation is a public charity and has been rated 4 stars (highest rating) from Charity Navigator for 13 years. Ratings are based on how donations are used, sustains its programs and services and practices good governance and openness. Rotary has three types of funds: Annual, Polio Plus and Endowment (grows our funds!). A percentage of donations from all clubs in a District for a given year are returned to that District in 3 years. These funds are used for Grants for projects within the district and also for global grants . Grants are awarded to clubs but the project must fit into one of these categories: promoting peace; growing local economies; fighting disease; saving Mothers and children; supporting education; providing clean water and sanitation; protecting the environment; and sustainability. One of foundations biggest projects is the eradication of polio world wide. Rotary began this project and was soon partnered with the Gates Foundation which continues to match Rotary donations to polio plus by donating $2 for every $1 donated by rotary. Over the course of time, many other organizations have joined the fight to end Polio world wide. We are currently 99.9 % polio free. Only a couple of new cases in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We will continue to fight for a polio free world. Then What? Rotary has begun to look at other projects...perhaps we will see a project o vaccinate people world wide from COVID. Stay tuned. No matter how big or small a donation you make to the Foundation, you can be assured it will go to a good use.... for example : for as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio; $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness; $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children. Build up your giving to $1000 and become a Paul Harris Fellow (PHF). For each $1000 given to the annual fund, you will receive another PHF. To read more about Foundation, and to see the many projects Rotary is involved in please click on the link and go to the Rotary International website! If you are new to Rotary or wish to have more information about this Charitable Organization then please click the link above and explore the Rotary International website.
Katie Farrell..7430 Foundation Chair | 2021-09-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Carol Ferguson..Polio Plus Coordinator
Posted on Sep 22, 2021
Speaker: Carol Ferguson , Rotarian, Polio Plus Coordinator and Polio Survivor. Pleased to have Carol Join us today to discuss many aspects of Polio, Polio Plus, Post Polio Syndrome and where we are today in eradicating Polio Globally . Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years, and we’ve made incredible progress in the fight to rid the world of it forever. Rotary, as a founding partner of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, we've helped to reduced polio cases by more than 99.9 percent. It’s crucial to eradicate polio from the last two countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan) where it remains endemic and to keep other countries polio-free. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years, polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year. Vaccines work! Look how far we have come since starting global vaccination programs. Those who had polio may suffer from Post Polio Syndrome. Post-polio syndrome (PPS) is a condition that affects polio survivors many years (15-40) after recovery from an initial attack of the poliomyelitis virus. PPS is characterized by a further weakening of muscles that were previously affected by the polio infection. PPS is not contagious. The most common symptoms include:
Some individuals experience only minor symptoms, while others develop more visible muscle weakness and atrophy. PPS is rarely life-threatening but the symptoms can interfere significantly with the individual's capacity to function independently. We must continue the momentum to stop this disease. Rotary does an annual fundraiser call "the Purple Pinkie" run. This year the run will be held Oct |
Carol Ferguson..Polio Plus Coordinator | 2021-09-22 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
New Member Induction and Classification Speech - George Bollendorf
Posted on Sep 15, 2021
George Bollendorf had been sponsored by Bob John as a potential new member and the club had voted him in. At todays meeting he was inducted into the club a s a new member and he gave his classification speech. George Bollendorf is a career law enforcement officer with over 25 years of service. Throughout his tenure he has been awarded numerous commendations for Bravery, Heroism and Merit. George has been involved in a variety of leadership positions including: Leaders of fatal crash investigation unit, leader of commercial vehicle unit, Lieutenant and watch commander of a platoon of 50 officers. He has also been a project manager on several key events and projects such as: Operations manger for Papal visit to Philadelphia region, Operations manager for Democratic National Convention Philadelphia PA, and Leader of task force to improve transit security. George is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Command and Leadership Program. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Administration and is currently enrolled in a Master’s program for Leadership. A father of three, George has enjoyed being a past coach and board member of the Hatboro Little League. George is currently the Hatboro Borough Council President. As a member of Council, George ensures that all of our first responders are outfitted with all the equipment and training that is available. He has been locating the numerous grants and free training available to achieve this goal, and he would also look into seeking state and federal funds for having an emergency drill with our surrounding communities. George believes that working together will only enhance our level of preparedness. George moved to Hatboro 18 years ago. He has always been involved in service and actually received a scholarship from Rotary in 1988. George is a huge Disney fan an his family visits about three times a year! George loves sports and likes to read. George also gave the club some updates on some business happenings in Hatboro. ![]() |
New Member Induction and Classification Speech - George Bollendorf | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-09-15 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Jin Shin Jyutsu: Getting to Know Thyself - Karen Kearns
Posted on Sep 01, 2021
Karen explained to the club that she was a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. She explained Jin Shin Jyutsu self help will give you the awareness and the know how you need so that you can benefit from it for the rest of your life! Karen described this self help as a form of 'Acupressure with the fingers', but it involves no manipulation, pressure or massage, so it is safe for everybody from 0 to 100+ years of age! This level of self help forms part of the Ancient Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, which harmonizes and balances the life energy in the body by using the fingers and hands (over clothing) to alleviate symptoms of discomfort and disharmony. This 'energy medicine' is a gentle, yet effective and powerful tool for health and well-being which is simple to learn, and its’ beneficial effects are usually felt immediately. This powerful aid is ready and available to every single one of us - just by knowing where to put your hands on your body you can manage your everyday stresses and pains, restore and maintain your energy levels, boost your immune system and much more! The key to self help is the fingers. Holding each one can help regenerate all of our 144,000 energy functions. Karen explained that the body has 26 energy safety locks and that holding certain parts of the body releases them, similar to locks in a canal allowing water to flow. Karen had club members practice: "Take a few deep exhales to calm yourself. Relax your neck and shoulders, perhaps drop your head. Eyes may be open or closed. Do what feels right for you. Of course, you would hold the finger for the emotion you’re feeling stuck in…but this morning…we are just going to run through straight through them together…so let’s go! I can talk while you’re holding. Take one hand and hold the THUMB of the other hand. It doesn’t matter which hand. Hold the thumb if you are experiencing worry or depression. Are you having difficulty going to or staying asleep? Try holding farther into the base of the thumb. While holding, you may feel light pulsation in the fingers. You may have gurgling sensations in the abdomen as the digestive system relaxes. Pain levels may lessen. You may feel drowsy. You may suddenly feel alert. Wait and notice. (STOMACH) Now, hold the INDEX finger. Are you experiencing fear, anxiety, or are you overwhelmed? Do you dread speaking in front o a group or taking a test? This finger will help balance, freedom from fear is restored. (BLADDER, KIDNEY) Are you irritable or angry? Move to the MIDDLE finger. Do you feel the need to control all situations? Maybe your life feels out of your control. Do you feel emotionally frozen? In balance, one is more accepting of the present situation and compassionate towards others, including yourself. (GALL BLADDER, LIVER) Do you have deep long-lasting sadness or grief? Hold your RING finger. Do you cry easily when it doesn’t feel appropriate? Are you longing for the way life used to be? In balance, one can release the deep sense of loss and become receptive to the “new” as joy returns. (LUNGS, RESPIRATORY) (Good to hold on walks and running.) And finally, do you say “yes” to everything to please others? Grab your LITTLE finger. Are you overdoing it? Would you call yourself a perfectionist? In balance, judgement and self-criticism become intuition, inspiration and a more loving acceptance of yourself and others. (HEART) I also hold one of my little fingers when I feel overwhelmed or have heart palpitations. I know that holding fingers might seem like a novel approach to improving your health but wouldn't you feel empowered if you could restore your energy levels, boost your immune system and relieve common stress-related conditions like headaches, migraines, backache, anxiety, aches and pains and much more, just by knowing where to put your hands on your body? If you use this easy step-by-step self help method on a daily basis, you'll have more energy and you'll also feel AND look better! Remember that you have this available to you right now, ready and waiting to be used, so start right now. You have everything to gain. Use your hands to help yourself today! Be the smile. :)" |
Jin Shin Jyutsu: Getting to Know Thyself - Karen Kearns | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-09-01 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
District 7430 Governor 2021-2022 - Robert (Bob) J. Hobaugh
Posted on Aug 25, 2021
Assistant Rotary District 7430 Governor Michael (Mike) Mueller introduced Bob: Bob learned about Rotary through his friends who were exchange students sponsored by the Emmaus Rotary Club. He graduated from Emmaus High School, Penn State University, University of Virginia and Dickinson School of Law. He met Florita after law school. They have a daughter, Karen, and a son, Stephen, both Penn State graduates. Bob is an attorney practicing in southeastern Pennsylvania. He practiced with large law firms for 34 years and now enjoys a solo practice. Bob regularly publishes legal articles with the Business Law Sections of the American Bar Association and Pennsylvania Bar Association and with many other business organizations. Bob serves as Director and Board Chair of Ontelaunee Region Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA). He served as a Director and President of the Burn Prevention Foundation, Director of Kutztown Rotary Charitable Foundation, Inc., Diakon and its predecessor organizations and was a Founding Director at Northeast Berks Chamber of Commerce. Bob is a Senior Master Judge and Team Captain for the AACA and a member of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America, showing antique BMWs at national meets. Bob has been a active member of the Kutztown Rotary Club since 1986. He served District 7430 as Parliamentarian, Assistant Governor, Annual Fund Chair, member of the International Service and DEI Committees and as counselor in the Student Exchange Program. He teaches for the Rotary Leadership Institute. He is also a member of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Rotary Action Group and the International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians. Bob thanks his wife, Florita, for serving with him in Rotary. Bob started his talk around this years Rotary theme Serve to Change Lives. He explained that service should be intentional. He quoted Rotary Internationals Mission Statement - We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. He then explained that the We in the statement is not just Rotarians but also the people we do business with who have a shared vision, such as the in Rotary Internationals case the United Nations Bob talked about service, and said that when we serve others we not only change their lives but also our own. Bob told a story explaining this. it was about our current Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta. As a new Rotary member in his mid twenties Shekhar was part of a group of Rotarians in India who organized an artificial limb camp, where they would fit limbs for people who did not have legs and give them hand-crank tricycles. Everybody was given a job. Shekhar was given the responsibility to determine whether the recipient had enough hand or arm strength to pedal one. So he would have the person grab my hands and he would pull. Shekhar saw the first person coming, but he wasn’t walking, he was crawling. And as he stretched out his hand, and Shekhar stretched to pull his, he shuddered. he didn’t want to touch his hands; they were very soiled. The fourth person was a leper, but he had no option: he had to hold every hand. But by the seventh or eighth hand, he had forgotten about his reservations and he was thinking about their plight. Shekhar said that’s when he became a Rotarian: he started feeling how others felt. Bob asked the group if any of us had been personally transformed by service. Gloria Inlander told of how she had accompanied Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH) to Guatemala and Haiti and how that had made a lasting impression on her. Bob told another story about how he was working at a church in Kutztown providing meals for low income community members, but not all could make it to the church to get the meals. Bob and others had to deliver some meals, but when Bob realized he had to deliver to a house just a few doors down from the church, he felt annoyed that they could not be bothered to come and get the meal. However, when the person answered the door to get the meal Bob saw that it was a lady with severe MS not someone taking advantage. Bob explained that service should be planned. he explained how one of his hobbies is yachting. In yachting you have to chart your course and the set sail. when Bob goes yachting he is given the job of plotting the course. Bob asked the group why this is important work. Tony explained that it is the only way the boat will get to its destination. Bob agreed and said that a goal without a plan is just a wish! Bob also explained that it was not enough to do good you have to let others know. This can be done through social media and Rotary Internationals Main | Rotary Showcase Bob told the group this year District 7430 has built their Action Plan from Rotary Internationals Plan. Bob discussed District 7430 priorities and how our club could contribute to these priorities.
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District 7430 Governor 2021-2022 - Robert (Bob) J. Hobaugh | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-25 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Autism Awareness - Ben Hartranft
Posted on Aug 18, 2021
Ben Hartranft is a self-advocate, who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. Ben has achieved many dreams, from getting a job and a driver’s license to becoming an Eagles Autism Challenge Ambassador to promoting autism awareness on The Ellen Show! Ben explaned that he works at Dorney Park as a greeter and at Giant as well, and he takes the bus to his job. He is a football fan and loves the eagles, he is a game day ticket taker at eagles games. Ben got to carry the Lombardi Trophy when the Eagles won the super bowl!!!! Ben is CEO, President, Chairman at Benergy1 Presentations for more info He spoke about how important it is to have an advocate in the school system so kids with Autism don't get lost. Ben's dream is to one day meet the President of the United States to advocate for Autism awareness.
Autism Awareness - Ben Hartranft | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Posted on Aug 16, 2021
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LOBSTER POT IS BACK!!!!!!!!!! | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Scout Troop 3 - Apollo Marks
Posted on Aug 11, 2021
Apollo Marks - Troop 3
Hatboro Scout Troop 3 - Apollo Marks | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Farewell to Hatboro Rotarian George Lewis
Posted on Aug 11, 2021
Farewell to George Lewis
Farewell to Hatboro Rotarian George Lewis | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Hatboro Rotary supports local charities and organizations
Posted on Aug 05, 2021
During 2020 Hatboro Rotary's fundraising efforts were reduced by the pandemic. The traditional fundraisers were put on hold and some new ones created. These included: Support Hatboro Local Business t-shirt and gift card sale; a seasonal wreath sale; "Penny Wars" change donation jars in local businesses; and a drive in movie night. These fundraisers allowed Hatboro Rotary to support local charities and organizations with donations totaling over $16,000. These charities and organizations included: A local scout troop, YMCA financial assistance program, Hatboro-Horsham High School Interact club, Hatboro Little League, Bux-Mont Meals on Wheels, Hatboro-Horsham Education Foundation, Be a Part of the Conversation, Operation Home Front, Lehman Food Pantry, St. Catherine's Food Pantry, St. John's Lutheran Food Pantry, plus scholarships for two Hatboro Horsham High School students and holiday gifts for local families in need. Below are some pictures of Hatboro Rotary's 2020 President Katrina Sullivan presenting checks to representatives of some of these charities and organizations: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hatboro Rotary supports local charities and organizations | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Posted on Aug 04, 2021
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LOBSTER POT IS BACK!!!!! | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Operation Homefront - Ashley Griffiths
Posted on Aug 04, 2021
Ashley Griffiths an employee of Operation Homefront Homepage - Operation Homefront in our area presented on the program. For over fifteen years, Operation Homefront has provided programs that offer: RELIEF (through Critical Financial Assistance and transitional housing programs), RESILIENCY (through permanent housing and caregiver support services) and RECURRING FAMILY SUPPORT programs and services throughout the year that help military families overcome the short-term bumps in the road so they don’t become long-term chronic problems. Operation Homefront has consistently earned high ratings from leading charity rating services, including Charity Navigator, which gave OH 4 Stars for 11 consecutive years for superior service and accountability. At Operation Homefront, 90 percent of expenditures goes directly toward delivering programs and services to the military families who need it most. Operation Homefront offers many programs to achieve their mission to build strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive – not simply struggle to get by – in the communities that they’ve worked so hard to protect. Ashley highlighted a few of these programs: Critical Financial Assistance Do you need financial assistance for overdue bills, repairs, or other critical family needs? If you are active duty, deployed, a veteran, or are a wounded, ill or injured service member or veteran with a service connected wound, illness or injury — and meet our criteria — you may be eligible for assistance from Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance. Since 2011, we have fulfilled over 49,000 unique requests from military families, providing nearly $30 million in assistance. In 2018, 97% of the families helped by this program agreed or strongly agreed that our support helped them feel strong, stable, and secure. Back-to-School Brigade® Back-to-School Brigade® is Operation Homefront’s annual nationwide school supply collection and distribution campaign. Since inception, Operation Homefront has distributed over 400,000 backpacks to military children saving military families nearly $50M in school expenses. Operation Homefront and Dollar Tree Inc. have joined forces for 12 consecutive years to collect and distribute school supplies for military children. Holiday Meals for Military The added expense of the holiday season can be challenging for military families. We at Operation Homefront recognize that many military families are separated during this time due to deployments and others travel long distances to be together. Holiday Meals for Military is Operation Homefront’s way of saying thank you for your service and sacrifices that you have made for our country! To date, through our great partnerships with Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc., Food Lion, Procter & Gamble, and others, our Holiday Meals for Military program served 500,000 individual family members. Star-Spangled Babies Welcoming a new baby to the family is exciting! But it can be tough if finances are tight and your service member is deployed. Operation Homefront’s Star-Spangled Babies baby shower program is in place to make it easier for our service members and their growing families to welcome the newest patriot to their families. Since 2008, we have provided critical baby supplies to more than 18,000 military new and expecting moms! In most locations, the families who participate have deployed service members, wounded service members, and other junior and mid-grade service members and their families. This year, Operation Homefront will reach hundreds of families across the nation who are awaiting their little bundles of joy. We invite you to support and/or volunteer for this wonderful program which illustrates the respect and appreciation Americans hold in their hearts for the families who serve.
Operation Homefront - Ashley Griffiths | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-08-04 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
July 28 2021SPEAKER: Suzy Kraczek..Executive Director of the Hatboro Horsham Educational foundation. This non profit organization was created to encourage excellence and to enhance and enrich educational opportunities offered to the students of the Hatboro Horsham school district. Please visit their website for more information regarding grants, projects and many of their accomplishments.
July 28 2021 | 2021-07-28 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
July 21 2021Speaker: Tony Moore: SCORE is an organization of active and retired business professionals who provide free counselling to business owners both new and established. Are you thinking of starting a business? Are you ready to expand and take your business to the next level? Do you need help maintaining your business or have a problem area you would like advice on? Start by going to their website and read about the mentors. In the 60 or so members of this organization, there is a variety of experiences which may be able to help you draw of a plan of action. The website itself has a library full of articles geared toward the business owner. You can sign up for a webinar. There is a lot of free useful information on this website. You can contact SCORE at (215) 943-8850 or Email:
July 21 2021 | 2021-07-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
2021 Scholarship WinnersCongratulations
2021 Scholarship Winners | 2021-07-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
June 30 2021The end of another Rotary year! This year has been particularly challenging with COVID dictating how we live. We managed to get use to zoom meetings but are now adjusting back to in-person meetings at the DISH. No more PJ's and slippers! A very special thanks to Katrina and Linda who led us through this very different Rotary year. In the weeks to come I will share news of our scholarship winners and also an update on past winners so stay tuned! Please welcome the new District 7430 District Governor 2021- 2022 District 7430 Governor, Bob Hobaugh. We also welcome Karen and Mike Kearns as they take the helm co-leading our club.
June 30 2021 | 2021-07-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
June 23 2021MICHELLE McDyre Prevention Education and Outreach Manager Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center of Montgomery County The Mission of Mission Kids is to achieve healing and justice for victims of child abuse by providing collaborative services, advocacy, leaderships and education. Using a multidisciplinary team response to allegations of child abuse in a child friendly, dedicated setting to achieve healing and justice for child victims promoting their physical and emotional well-being. CASE COORDINATION: When an allegation of child abuse is made, Case coordinators work closely with detectives, prosecutors, child protection case workers and forensic interviewers to facilitate a multidisciplinary response FORENSIC INTERVIEWS: Specially trained forensic interviewers elicit key information from children about their experiences. this spares the victims from the trauma of repeatedly telling their story FAMILY ADVOCACY: Provide support and information that help families heal from the effects of abuse. PREVENTION EDUCATION & COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Prevention Education professionals develop and deploy teaching modules that increase community awareness of abuse. TRAUMA THERAPY: Mission Kids partners with leading Mental Health providers across Montgomery County to promote healing for victims and families. Also there are 2 full time contracted therapists on-site offering immediate services to vulnerable clients. To gain further information, please visit the Mission Kids website SOME STATISTICS: Age of victims: 0-6 (78); 7-12 (144); 13-18 (198) Total # of victims served 455 Total # of Significant Others served 497 This was an excellent presentation and I urge other organizations to schedule a Mission Kids presentation and visit their website. |
June 23 2021 | Barbara Schupeltz | 2021-06-23 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Jun 16 2021Hooray, we are back at the Dish! It was nice to sit around a table and chat! Our program today was Maria Conley, owner of Boutique 28 in Hatboro (right behind Wawa) on Montgomery Avenue. From her website:
Maria’s philosophy is centered around her favorite quote, “the most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” Her vision is to motivate women of all ages, shapes, ethnicity and sizes to be their most confident selves. Self confidence is the best outfit …rock it, wear it, own it! Family has always been a source of inspiration and guidance for founder and owner, Maria - daughter of tailor, Angelo. Maria’s father immigrated to America from Greece in 1967 with his family. As a girl, Maria’s memories of her dad are the creative force that ignited her drive to launch Boutique 28. Maria is celebrating her first year anniversary as a business owner in Hatboro. If you haven't been to her shop, stroll on in and say hello! She also has a facebook page. Welcome to Hatboro Maria! |
Jun 16 2021 | 2021-06-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
CHARTER NIGHT 202179TH CHARTER NIGHT It has been a rough year for everyone but through it all we continued to meet by zoom. The club (yes, really ,all in one place!) came together at Giuseppe's in Warminster to celebrate our 79th year and to pay tribute and honor a 52 year member of the Club ..JACK GROVES! Jack joined the club Jun 20 1969 and became president in 1979-80, and a Paul Harris Fellow in 1988. He has served as the club treasurer for many years. He and his wife Ann have had many adventures with this club and have given so much of themselves throughout the years. Jack has decided to retired from Rotary. It will definitely not be the same without him. Jack, you and Ann will be missed!!! ![]() Its not over yet! Also on this night we recognized the leadership of Katrina and Linda who kept us going this past year as COVID kept us all home bound! Thanks to "K" and "L", we were still able to "see" each other through Zoom meetings. The pandemic didn't stop club members from serving the community...H.A.T. Packs, Food Pantry, flowers to those shut in alone and more. THANK YOU !! And lastly as is our custom the incoming Presidents Karen and Mike Kearns received their presidents pins and will lead us into 2022. Please Join us at our next Rotary Meeting June 16th at the Hatboro Dish!!!! It's so good to be back together again!!! |
CHARTER NIGHT 2021 | 2021-06-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
State of Travel at this time - Rosanna GehringerRosana Gehringer from Ventresca Travel in Hatboro informed the club that countries closed down due to the pandemic has really hurt the tourist industry. Mexico has been willing to take chances with tourism and so that is where tourists have been going. Come mid July some cruises will be operating including to Alaska. Travelers have to be flexible as things can change and masks are required at a lot of destinations. Testing before and when you arrive and after is required. Each country is doing their own thing. If you test positive, you have to stay in a COVID hotel. It is a very fluid situation at this moment. With cruises 100% of staff are vaccinated and they want travelers to be vaccinated also as per the CDC guidelines. The governor of Florida does not want travelers to have to be vaccinated and so they are not running cruises out of Florida at this time. Vacations in the United States at National Parks etc. are very popular at this time
State of Travel at this time - Rosanna Gehringer | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-05-26 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
The Mexican Walking Fish - Gary Chamberlain |
The Mexican Walking Fish - Gary Chamberlain | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-05-19 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Alpha Bravo Canine - Lori WeinsteinLori Weinstein part of the Community Out Reach for Alpha Bravo Canine About Us - Alpha Bravo Canine presented to the club. Alpha Bravo Canine’s mission is to raise, train and donate trained service dogs to U.S military veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), and other combat related disabilities. Alpha Bravo Canine™ Philadelphia’s first and only 501(c)3 organization that donates service dogs with US veterans suffering from debilitating medical and psychological problems as a result of their active combat duty. It is estimated that twenty percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or depression. Also, an alarming average of 22 veterans commit suicide every day here in the United States, that’s 8,030 in just one year. Alpha Bravo Canine™ was founded to help the local community of veterans. Alpha Bravo Canine™ believes in helping these brave warriors, who fought for our country’s freedom, by giving back to them. A fully trained service dog from puppy to graduated dog can cost approximately $25,000-30,000 for up to the two year time frame while under the organization’s care. Everything we do is – free of charge – A service dog will make a huge difference in their lives! Frequently Asked Questions:
Alpha Bravo Canine - Lori Weinstein | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-05-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Inter-Faith Housing Alliance - Sherry ShoemakerSherry Shoemaker a member of the Blue Bell Rotary Club and a Board member of the Inter-Faith Housing Alliance, gave a presentation on the Inter-Faith Alliance Inter-Faith Housing Alliance provides opportunities for families in our diverse community to achieve self-sufficiency by offering community-based programs designed to bridge homelessness and independence. It is an affiliate of Family Promise Since 1982, Inter-Faith Housing Alliance Inter-Faith Housing Alliance | Helping Families Overcome Homelessness ( has been serving vulnerable families in Montgomery County who are experiencing homelessness. Founder Lei Barry’s call to action was born of personal experience. In 1965, she and her two children became homeless. Because Lei and her family struggled for years before being able to access the resources needed to improve their lives, she and other members of the community launched a 24-hour emergency hotline to connect homeless families with community resources. Within seven years, the program evolved to also provide emergency shelter, food, and crucial services to homeless families. Lei mobilized a coalition of faith-based organizations within the Montgomery County community to establish the Interfaith Hospitality Network. It was the first Pennsylvania affiliate and the fourth in the nation. In 1995, Inter-Faith Housing Alliance expanded once again to meet community needs by establishing Hope Gardens. This long-term transitional housing program provides an opportunity for families to resolve their homelessness through intensive case management and life skills training while having access to safe, stable housing. The Food Cupboard in Abington, which has served Montgomery County families in need since 1970, became a program of Inter-Faith Housing Alliance in 2001. The Cupboard, located in Roslyn, last year assisted more than 2,900 individuals experiencing food insecurity. In 2015, a generous gift from First Presbyterian Church of Ambler made possible the purchase of a home in Ambler Borough, now known as Hope Forest. This new supportive housing program aims to bridge the gap between transitional housing and total independence. Residents work toward paying fair market rent and receive light case management as they move toward self-sufficiency. The Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) is Inter-Faith’s emergency shelter program. The Network provides Montgomery County families with children who are experiencing homelessness with a safe place to stay, along with supportive services, for up to 90 days. Inter-Faith Housing Alliance is a partner with Your Way Home of Montgomery County. Our shelter delivery model is unique and cost-effective. Twenty-five “host” and “buddy” congregations house and support our families for one month each year at their places of worship. Families are provided with comfortable accommodations in classrooms converted to bedrooms. Volunteers from the congregation, who collectively contribute more than 3,000 hours of their time each year, prepare and share meals, provide overnight assistance, and help with transportation. Many volunteers make special connections to our families, often providing a level of genuine intrinsic support that bolsters our families and brings them further into a community that is invested in their success. Hope Gardens is Inter-Faith Housing Alliance’s transitional housing program for low-income families with children. This program provides a secure home for families for up to two years while they gain the tools they need to become financially stable and self-sufficient. Hope Gardens is an eight-unit building with one-, two-, three-, and four-bedroom apartments to accommodate families of various sizes. Families living at Hope Gardens receive comprehensive support services to help ensure their long-term success, including intensive case management, life skills education, basic needs support, and aftercare to help ensure their long-term success and their continued stability after graduation from the program. Inter-Faith Housing Alliance relies on volunteers to meet the needs of families we serve. Last year, more than 1,100 volunteers contributed 15,850 hours of their time. There are lots of ways you can get involved. Volunteers assist with our emergency shelter by providing meals, transportation, and overnight assistance; help in the office; sort donations; and help maintain our facilities. Drone Golf Ball Drop balls are all sold out for 2021, make sure you get yours in 2022! On Monday, May 24, when we’ll be back on the greens at beautiful Talamore Country Club for a day of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition to benefit families experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. The event will be held with appropriate social distancing protocols. In 23 years, the tournament, Inter-Faith’s only annual fundraiser, has raised more than $535,000 to help families in need. Your generosity helped us to provide 11,272 bed-nights of shelter as well as food assistance to 2,900 individuals in 2020! |
Inter-Faith Housing Alliance - Sherry Shoemaker | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-05-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Social Media Presentation - Jonathan Riches and Alex MyersThe Rotary Board Club of Hatboro's Board had decided that a Social Media Committee be formed to help with club's visibility and hopefully member recruitment. Katrina had explained this to the membership at a previous meeting and Jonathan Riches and Alex Myers volunteered to create a Facebook page for our club To assist with the Social Media committees efforts. They did this and posted many pictures from club activities over the past couple of years. Alex and Jonathan then presented to the club on Social Media and the new Facebook site. Jonathan explained the top social media sites and asked members which sites they where familiar with. He explained that Facebook is a a good one to start with for our club as it is used by Gen X and Baby Boomers both of which are our target audience Jonathan also explained that the Social Media Committee should have SMART goals around the usage of social media. SMART goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Assignable/Attainable, Realistic/Relevant and Time-related goals. He gave examples of these goals for social media usage. Alex and Jonathan then explained the new HatboroRotary Facebook site. They explained the steps on how to invite friends to like the site and how to share the site. They explained that postings should be made every couple of days and should include pictures. The goal would be to get engagements through like and shares. They showed the club how engagements could be tracked. There was further discussion on the site, including linking and sharing to other groups and securing donations through a donation button, and the need to add approx. $400 a year for Facebook ads. In conclusion Katrina thanked Alex and Jonathan for their work and presentation and asked that members view the posting on our new site and like and share them.
Social Media Presentation - Jonathan Riches and Alex Myers | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-04-28 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Three Global Grants for Maternal and Childcare Education in Uganda - Ron SmithRon Smith from the Blue bell Rotary Club, and past District 7430 President presented to the Club on Three Global Grants on Maternal and Childcare Education in Uganda Ron explained the global grant process: What global grants supportGlobal grants can fund:
How they’re fundedGlobal grants have a minimum budget of $30,000 and a maximum World Fund award of $400,000. Grant sponsors can use a combination of District Designated Funds (DDF), cash, and/or directed gifts and endowment earnings to fund a global grant. The Foundation will provide a 100 percent World Fund match for all DDF contributions. There is no minimum World Fund match. QualificationBoth the district or club in the country where the activity is carried out and the international partner district or club must first become qualified before applying for a global grant. Learn more about the qualification process and grant management. Your club and district Rotary Foundation chairs can help you plan how to use your District Designated Funds and learn how to qualify your club. Submitting a successful grant applicationConsult with local experts early in the planning process to build a strong project plan and global grant application. The district resource network (see below) can help. To be approved, your application must clearly describe how your project, scholarship, or vocational training team:
Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed as they're received. Learn more about the Global Grant Lifecycle. Note: Sponsoring clubs and districts must submit their applications by June 30 to the Rotary Foundation for scholars who will begin studies in August, September, or October. Monitoring & evaluationMeasuring outcomes is an integral part of global grant projects. Proper monitoring and reporting ensure that Rotary grants have a positive impact. Learn more in the Global Grant Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Supplement. You will be required to fill out an online global grant report. To prepare, you can download this template. Ron the explained The Bluebell Rotary Club's Global Grants: Leading Vocational Training Team (VTT) Humanitarian Project
3 Global Grants for three different phases
Our Partners
Where are we now?
Your Annual Fund Contributions Make a Difference! |
Three Global Grants for Maternal and Childcare Education in Uganda - Ron Smith | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-04-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Food Groups - Jillian FoleyJillian Foley is a registered dietitian and is the owner of Nutritionista. She started out working in a gym working with folks that wanted to diet or sports nutrition. She now specializes in weight management and related diseases, as well as sports nutrition. Jillian does this through assessing strengths and weaknesses, goals setting, building of healthy habits and accountability. Jillian explained that weight management is 20% is exercise and 80% is nutrition. The nutrition part is then 20% food education and 80% psychological The psychological part is where Jillian focuses, explaining that what we think is a lack of will power is often the bodies hormonal response to hunger. Jillian then explained the food groups: Protein - Preferably lean protein with low saturated fat. Nuts are great but have high calories and saturated fat. Eggs are also a great source of protein but the yolks are high in cholesterol, although gran fed chickens yolks have less. Starchy carbohydrates - The way we prepare carbs is often the reason they are so high in calories. Healthy whole grain carbs are good for you Vegetables - They create fulness full of vitamins and minerals. Be aware of dressings, especially oils Fruit - Part of your carbohydrate intake Jillian explained that approximately we should aim for three servings of dairy a day, and 50% of our diet to be healthy carbohydrates.
Food Groups - Jillian Foley | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-04-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Bucks County Audubon Society Climate Study - Marissa JacobsMarissa Jacobs explained that the Bucks County Audubon Society welcomes community involvement. This could be through their programs, volunteer opportunities, membership and donations. Audubon scientists took advantage of 140 million observations, recorded by birders and scientists, to describe where 604 North American bird species live today—an area known as their “range.” They then used the latest climate models to project how each species’s range will shift as climate change and other human impacts advance across the continent. The results are clear: Up to two-thirds of North American birds are vulnerable to extinction due to climate change and will be forced to relocate to find favorable homes. And they may not survive. Audubon came to this conclusion after conducting an analysis of nine different climate threats on birds, including things such as water levels rising, urbanization, cropland expansion, false springs, etc. This study compared these nine different climate threats at different warming scenarios depending on our actions to control climate change, 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C. By stabilizing carbon emissions and holding warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, 76 percent of vulnerable species will be better off, and nearly 150 species would no longer be vulnerable to extinction from climate change. This is explained in Audubon’s 2019 climate change report, ‘Survival By Degrees,’ The good news is that there are plenty of opportunities to protect birds from this existential threat, and Audubon members have been leading the way for years. You can advocate for the birds you love, make your yard or house bird friendly. In 2014, after the publication of Audubon's first climate change report, thousands of people asked how they could help make the world a better place for birds, and Climate Watch was born. Since 2016, Climate Watch volunteers have collected data which Audubon scientists are able to use to document in peer reviewed research that birds are responding to climate change and shifting their ranges. You can join us in this fight by observing birds in your area, using our specific protocol, and helping us learn about how birds are responding to the changing climate. Learn more below. Help build a better world for birds by joining Climate Watch to test and improve climate models.Sign up. |
Bucks County Audubon Society Climate Study - Marissa Jacobs | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-04-07 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Club AssemblyKatrina Sullivan explained that the 5th Wednesday of each month is set aside for a Club Assembly. Katrina then opened the meeting with some reminders on upcoming events and fundraisers:
Katrina then went over some updates and some items for discussion:
Katrina adjourned the meeting and some other business was briefly discussed that included Tom sending the current Bylaws and Charter being sent to Karen and Mike Kearns to review before their presidency and to Gary to add to the website along with minutes from Linda's year.
Club Assembly | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-03-31 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
District 7430 STEM Youth Exploration Academy - Rolf SchlakeRolf Schlake presented to our club. Rolf has been a Rotarian for almost 40 years and the past President of Allentown Rotary Club, he is also a member of the steering team for District 7430's planned Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Youth Explorer Academy, starting in the summer of 2022. Rolf is a chemist and owns a manufacturing company in Allentown that produces items such as DNA/RNA kits. Rolf explained the need for this program to be available to middle school students in our district especially to the underserved. The Rotary STEM Youth Explorer Academy In the US today there is a large disparity between the number of STEM college graduates and position openings. The STEM disciplines are key to Rotary’s success in delivering on its “Seven Areas of Focus”
To create a context for STEM learning, the District is exploring a partnership with the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute to draw on their educational resources regarding astronomy, space exploration and the search for life beyond earth. We are also exploring a partnership with Albright College to host the academy and assist in curriculum development as well as faculty training. The program would include guest speakers, workshops, team building exercises, exploratory hikes and more. You can follow this link to learn more about this project and how a Rotary club can be a co-sponsor in a grant application to fund the development of the program. Rotary clubs will also be asked to sponsor two students a year to send to this 4 day 3 night program at a cost of $300 per student. The district is also looking for volunteers to assist in program development and delivery. |
District 7430 STEM Youth Exploration Academy - Rolf Schlake | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-03-24 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Operation Key West - James R. McGonigleOperation: Key West started with the simple concept of helping our military soldiers. Everyone involved with Operation: Key West are forever grateful and appreciative of all the brave men and women who serve or have served in our nation's military. We will always strive to bring some joy and happiness to as many military families as we can. Most of our efforts are funded by our pharmacy savings card business, we would like to help more. "We believe that together we can make a difference...Giving back through life-changing experiences." James R. McGonigle Operation: Key West started with the simple concept of helping our military soldiers. Everyone involved with Operation: Key West are forever grateful and appreciative of all the brave men and women who serve or have served in our nation's military. We will always strive to bring some joy and happiness to as many military families as we can. Most of our efforts are funded by our pharmacy savings card business, we would like to help more. If you would like to support us in our efforts directly you may do so using the link below to make a contribution.
Operation Key West - James R. McGonigle | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-03-17 04:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary Friendship Exchange - Dee EngDee Eng, Emmaus Rotary Club member and the Friendship Exchange Chair for Rotary District 7430 presented on this program. District 7430 restarted this program in 2009 and since then they have conducted a dozen exchanges around the world. Dee gave details of some of these exchanges. The stories were very interesting and participants make many life long friends. A new idea that has just started is club to club exchange. What is Friendship Exchange?Friendship Exchange is an international exchange program for Rotary members and friends that allows participants to take turns hosting one another in their homes and clubs. Participants may travel as individuals, couples, families, or groups, and may be Rotary members or not. Benefits of an exchange
Choose a destinationExplore our Exchange Finder Map to view current exchange locations and the districts that serve them. Connect with the district’s Rotary Friendship Exchange chair for help finding potential international hosts and planning your itinerary. Define your purposeFriendship exchanges are organized around at least one of three themes: culture, service, and vocation. Fund your exchangeAll exchanges are paid for by the participants or their districts. Hosts are not expected to assume a significant financial burden. Club or district funds may be available to offset the costs of exchanges that have a vocational emphasis. Share your storyAfter your trip, submit a report to your district, as well as to It’s your chance to tell us about your experience, make suggestions, and share what you learned. |
Rotary Friendship Exchange - Dee Eng | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-03-03 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Your Way Home - Kyle TribbleIn January 2014, Your Way Home Montgomery County was established as the county’s unified and coordinated housing crisis response system for families and individuals experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of homelessness.
THE VISION OF THE YOUR WAY HOME PROGRAMis to make the experience of homelessness in Montgomery County rare, brief and non-recurring. The common agenda among Your Way Home partners is to improve the housing stability, economic security and health of families and individuals experiencing or at imminent risk of homelessness. In 2014 Your Way Home established a bold goal of reducing homelessness by 50% over five years. Since its inception in January 2014, Your Way Home has reduced homelessness in Montgomery County by 37%, as measured by the annual Point-In-Time count, which decreased from 464 in 2013 to 292 in 2018. THE MAJOR COMPONENTS OF YOUR WAY HOME
Your Way Home - Kyle Tribble | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-02-24 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Peacebuilding Primer for District 7430 - Jim Palmquist, Bill ThomasToday, over 70 million people are displaced as a result of conflict, violence, persecution, and human rights violations. Half of them are children.We refuse to accept conflict as a way of life. Rotary projects provide training that fosters understanding and provides communities with the skills to resolve conflicts. Rotary creates environments of peaceAs a humanitarian organization, peace is a cornerstone of our mission. We believe when people work to create peace in their communities, that change can have a global effect. By carrying out service projects and supporting peace fellowships and scholarships, our members take action to address the underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources. Our commitment to peacebuilding today answers new challenges: how we can make the greatest possible impact and how we can achieve our vision of lasting change. We are approaching the concept of peace with greater cohesion and inclusivity, broadening the scope of what we mean by peacebuilding, and finding more ways for people to get involved. Rotary creates environments where peace can happen. District 7430 presented a peacebuilding primer for our district: Peacekeeping - To prevent or ending of violence between nation states Peacemaking - To negotiate resolution of a conflict Peacebuilding - The process of restoring normal relationships between people Positive Peace Index - Contains a pillar, indicator, and description Everyday Peace Indicators is another way to measure peace and was developed by Rotarian Rotary may be one of the best positioned NGOs to deliver peace to the world. Rotary has 35,000 clubs in 163 countries, 1.2m members and has many established peace building initiatives. Rotary is also at the table of The United Nations Members can participate in peace by being practitioners, being or training educators, and being mediators. Rotary clubs can expand the number of international service projects, such as in West Africa, and peace should be included in all projects. Rotarians can consider joining a peacebuilder club
Peacebuilding Primer for District 7430 - Jim Palmquist, Bill Thomas | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-02-17 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotary and Toastmasters Alliance - Carrie GoldbeckRotary International is working with Toastmasters International to provide Rotarians and Rotaractors opportunities for personal growth, leadership development and improved communication skills. This alliance with Toastmasters is different from Rotary International's relationships with other organizations: It enhances your membership experience through professional development opportunities and making connections beyond your club. What is Toastmasters?Toastmasters International is a nonprofit, educational organization with more than 16,800 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, it has helped its members become more effective speakers, communicators, and leaders through a worldwide network of clubs, much like Rotary. How can you and your club get involved?It's easy for Rotarians and Rotaractors to engage:
Rotary and Toastmasters Alliance - Carrie Goldbeck | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-02-10 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
Rotaplast Guatemala 2019 - Susan BurnettSusan Burnett, District 7430 Rotaplast Committee Chairperson and member of the Rotary Club of Bethlehem Morning Star, presented to the club on a Rotaplast mission to Guatemala in 2019. Rotaplast Internationals moto is "Saving Smiles, Changing Lives" and they have been around for 29 years. They have undertake about 15 missions a year and they have completed over 20,000 surgeries on children to correct cleft lips and palate anomalies. Rotarians can apply to participate in these missions and it will cost the about $1,500 for travel and accommodation. Rotaplast | Saving smiles. Changing lives. The mission to Guatemala in 2019 lasted 13 days and 26 volunteers participated including 9 Rotarians, and Guatemalan Rotaract translators Susan Burnett accompanied the 2019 Guatemala mission as the photographer. Her presentation showed how families lined-up overnight to be selected for the surgeries. 220 children were evaluated and over 120 corrective surgeries were performed over 8 days in 3 wards. The surgery equipment used on each patient costs over $10,000 and lasts for only 100 surgeries. Children who go through surgery during a mission are given a hand made quilt to keep them warm after the surgery. These quilts are made in North America by volunteers and Rotaplast is always looking for more quilt makers. On this trip the mission had some extra funds that were used to replace the worn shoes the children and locals wore, this may be included in future missions. District 7430 clubs can support Rotaplast missions by donating $500, $1,000 or more to Rotaplast International or by having members volunteer to assist with a mission
Rotaplast Guatemala 2019 - Susan Burnett | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-02-03 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
District Grant - Frank Romano, Cindy HornamanFive Elements of Effective Use Of District Grants 1 - Community Needs Assessment Rotary International has a community needs assessment tool that is very helpful. If a community assessment is done, other members of the community should be involved. 2 - Plan to Directly Address Measurable Indicators Come up with a method to measure success, through measurable indicators of effectiveness. Experts and other community members can be involved in this part of the process. 3 - Sustainability How will the project be sustained. Will it be through a ongoing club donation, a fundraiser, business or corporation support. 4 - Reporting Fiscal Documentation Keep good records of income and expenses Measurable Impact Keep records of measurable indicators, such as how many people served 5 - Branding Make sure the Rotary club name is recognized in the project |
District Grant - Frank Romano, Cindy Hornaman | 2021-01-27 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rotary Happy |
Rotary Happy | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-01-20 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
MCIUS Early Intervention Program - Holly AcostaHolly Acosta, director of Early Childhood Intervention for Montgomery County presented to the club. The Pennsylvania Department of Education is responsible by law for providing early education services for eligible children age three to school age in the Commonwealth. The Montgomery County Intermediate Unit 23, through an agreement with the Department of Education, is contracted to deliver those services in Montgomery County. Children in the County between 3-5 years of age who are identified as being delayed intellectually or physically, can be referred to the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit by a doctor. Once their case has been reviewed and if they qualify they may receive any of the following services:
Funding for this program is from Montgomery County and the State. Some families need more funding for computers for the children to access their therapy. The program serves between 3,000 and 5,000 students a year. The Intermediate Unit then helps to transition the children into one of the 23 school districts in Montgomery County. The program can be supported in several ways:
MCIUS Early Intervention Program - Holly Acosta | Gary Chamberlain | 2021-01-13 05:00:00Z | 0 | ||||||||
12/09/2020 ZOOM MeetingSPEAKER: Ron Smith.. Blue Bell Rotary..COVID 19 Collaborative Projects This pandemic and the associated restrictions have impacted so many.... People lost jobs, families had no money to pay for food, the need for Mental Health Services rose, nursing homes were greatly impacted and the residents weren't able to see their love ones, day care facilities closed, schools went virtual. With 29 Rotary clubs in Montgomery County, Clubs began to partner with organizations and non-profits who support those families with insufficient resources . Rotarians were a perfect group to help...members had business experience; discretionary time to help; already service minded; and they already had a network of connected people. The goal is for all 29 clubs to work together and within their communities to serve county wide needs.
12/09/2020 ZOOM Meeting | 2020-12-09 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
11/25/2020 ZOOM MeetingSPEAKER: Nancy Conner , Founder of Smart Adaptive Clothing Millions of people, young and old struggle everyday with dressing themselves. This certainly creates frustration, loss of time and productivity. 1in 4 Adults has a disability. Smart Adaptive has a clothing line of blouses and shirts that look traditional but have velcro behind the buttons for easy fastening. The fabric is soft and washable and having the ability to dress ones self empowers the individual and builds confidence . Please visit their website for more information and to view the clothing line. You can contact Nancy through the website.
11/25/2020 ZOOM Meeting | 2020-11-25 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Christmas Wreaths and Table DecorationsBe sure to order your Christmas Wreaths and table decorations from Lynch Creek Farms. This will help the Hatboro Rotary continue to serve this community as a portion of your purchase comes back to Hatboro rotary. fundraiser_id=1408084&fbclid=IwAR2pbOkH-m81ZamO0VnFqQebE0tMz4EGkVTL4kwz9J0W7hI8Dlfqq5nhTr4
Christmas Wreaths and Table Decorations | 2020-11-19 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
11/18/2020 Zoom MeetingSpeaker: Margaret Fitzpatrick Willow Grove PT..Hatboro Office Today's topic was PAIN. Is your pain keeping you from doing the things you love? Managing pain is not insurmountable given the right tools. Some thought on Pain management: MOVE MORE...With the pandemic, we are all sitting more and exercising less. Make it a point to get up every 30 minutes and move around...spend less time in the chair. You can exercise while watching TV. PAIN MEDS...Pain meds are misused for the most part. Your first option should be to consult a physical therapist WHAT IS PAIN... Pain is part of the nervous system and is the body's alarm system. It is 100% produced in the brain and is very complex. MOVEMENT is the greatest pain killer. For more information go to
11/18/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-11-18 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
11/11/2020 Zoom Dr Margaret Fitzpatrick ..Willow Grove PTSPEAKER: Dr. Margaret Fitzpatrick..Willow Grove PT Managing Balance, Dizziness and Pain. BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is the most common cause of vertigo(dizziness)in adults. Do you feel like you are spinning when you turn your head in certain directions? The cause of BPPV is the displacement of calcium carbonate crystals in the inner ear. When those crystals move into the semicircular canals, they stimulate cells which transmit information to the brain, making you feel like you are moving. There is help in the form of a simple procedure called the Epley Maneuver which involves a series of movements each followed by a 30 second pause, to allow gravity to move the crystals out of semicircular canal and back into their proper place. It is non-invasive, safe and effective with one treatment . It is important to treat quickly and avoid disruption of your normal activities. If this is left untreated it could lead to falls and immobility. Please visit their website for more information on their services, patient education and staff. |
11/11/2020 Zoom Dr Margaret Fitzpatrick ..Willow Grove PT | 2020-11-11 05:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
10/21/2020 Zoom MeetingSpeaker: Carol Ferguson ...Polio Truths As we approach World Polio Day on Oct 24th, we strive to rid the world of Polio. Presently only two countries , Afghanistan and Pakistan continue to see new cases. Surviving the initial diagnosis of polio would for most of us appear to be the end however it doesn't end there for those affected. Many suffer from Post Polio Syndrome many years later in life. Approximately 80% of survivors develop Post Polio Syndrome.. Essentially people with polio are attacked twice by the disease. Seriously, I had never heard of Post Polio Syndrome and I believe I am not alone. Please click this link to find out more The website of the PA Polio Survivors Network has a wealth of information and is well worth the read.
10/21/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-10-21 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
10/07/2020 Zoom MeetingSpeaker: Hatboro Police Chief Jim Gardner Chief Gardner spoke to us today regarding the Accreditation that the department achieved. What is Accreditation? The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association introduced the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Program to the Commonwealth in July 2001. Since then, over 375 agencies have enrolled and 126 agencies currently have attained accredited status. Accreditation is a progressive and time-proven way of helping institutions evaluate and improve their overall performance. This award symbolizes professionalism, excellence and competence. There are over 1000 law enforcement agencies in PA . This is not an easy process and we are proud of our Police Department for attaining such an honor. Additionally, Nov is no shave month for cancer awareness. Don't be surprised if you see bearded police officers. Hatboro police are participating and donating in support of prostate cancer.
10/07/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-10-07 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
9/30/2020 Zoom MeetingSpeaker: Eric Trumbower.. Camp Erin of Philadelphia (part of the Eluna network) Eric is the Manager of Volunteer Services & Director, Camp Erin Philadelphia a part of Penn Medicine Hospice Camp Erin Philadelphia is a weekend overnight camp for grieving children and teens ages 6-17. The camp combines traditional, fun, high-energy camp activities with grief education and support. Services provided through Penn Medicine Hospice: Bereavement Services; Grief outreach to families in 2nd and 3rd year of grief process; Individual support; Community support for long term care facilities Pre Pandemic, the 3 day camp brought the kids together; regular visitation of residents in Long Term Care Facilities; Individual and group support groups Post Pandemic, camp was canceled, most of Grief support events were canceled, individual support was virtual as was community support. The grief process did not stop for those children dealing with the loss of a loved one. The program did not stop either but it merely shifted into a slightly different format especially for the children. A program was developed to send a package three times a year to 117 families which included projects the children would do similar to those they would have done in camp. This is an amazing program and despite most of the children being kept inside because of the pandemic, the program leaders continued to find ways to help the children deal with the grief of losing a loved one.
9/30/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-10-02 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
9/16/2020 Zoom Meeting with DG Janet KoleppThis is DG Janet's official visit to our club. She is a member of Bethlehem Morning Star Rotary Club.
9/16/2020 Zoom Meeting with DG Janet Kolepp | 2020-09-18 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
8/12/2020 Zoom MeetingSPEAKER: Carol Ferguson District 7430 Polio Plus Coordinator....Vaccines Work! Carol herself is a Polio survivor. Rotary clubs across the state of Pennsylvania are working to educate people regarding immunizations. The pandemic and loss of the ability to visit pediatricians for well child visits had contributed to children not receiving their vaccines on time. Vaccines work and no child should suffer pain and disability from a vaccine preventable disease. Vaccines protect! MMR doesn't cause autism, and polio vaccines work. Rotarians all over the world support Rotary international's focus on Disease Prevention and Immunization. There is a network for PA Polio survivors and their families across the keystone state. Currently the PA survivors network/PA rotary club Project are working to put vaccine information cards in all Doctors offices. Partnering with CHOP..Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania, our aim is to educate people about vaccines. Please visit the following sites:
8/12/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-08-12 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
8/5/2020 Zoom MeetingSPEAKER: John Richards...Operation Homefront Operation Homefront is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to build strong, stable, and secure military families so they can thrive — not simply struggle to get by — in the communities they have worked so hard to protect. John is the Area Manager serving states from Delaware to Maine. During this pandemic, they have served 700 families and continue to take applications for help. If an application is accepted for help, they pay the vendor, not the person who made the application. Their services help all members of the family . Please visit their website for more information and to donate to this wonderful organization. |
8/5/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-08-05 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
7/22/2020 Zoom MeetingState Representative Tom Murt joined us today for some updates:
Thank you Tom for joining us today!
7/22/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-07-22 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Linda Mayger..shelter BoxWelcome to Linda Mayger from shelter box.
ShelterBox first started as a Millenium project by the Rotary Club of Helston-Lizard in Cornwall in 2000. Since then, it has grown to be an international disaster relief charity, providing emergency shelter in some of the most hard-to-reach places in the world. We have always been happy to support Shelter box and are Silver Shelter Box Heroes (A ShelterBox HERO is a Rotary Club that has committed to making an impact in worldwide disaster response by giving $1,000, $3,000, or $5,000 within the Rotary year...we donate $3000 per year). Shelter box provides emergency assistance to those affected by disasters. Currently 88 Million people worldwide have been made homeless by natural disaster and conflict. During the pandemic, boxes continue to be distributed with the addition of PPE to each box. Previously those who received boxes were sharing ppots and pans with their neighbors however that has been discontinued and now each family gets their own set of pots and pans. To learn more, please visit |
Linda Mayger..shelter Box | 2020-07-15 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Announcements | 2020-07-09 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
RotoplastWe were happy to welcome Blue Bell Rotary Members Wendy Axelrod and Andy Johanson to speak to us about the 2019 Guatemala Trip with Rotoplast. This is a 13 day mission to a third world country. The mission had 26 volunteers who performed a myriad of jobs. The focus of the mission is on treating and correcting cleft lip, cleft palate, burns, and other deformities in children. 220 children were evaluated and 114 surgeries were performed with only 3 surgery rooms and a Post Anesthesia Care Unit with only three beds. Each child was given a donated quilt (to keep) to keep them warm. Generally on these missions, one day is set aside to set up (they bring all their supplies), one day to triage the patients waiting, 8 days of surgeries, a day to site see and remaining days to pack up and travel. Please visit for more information about Rotoplast and to volunteer.
Rotoplast | 2020-07-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Meals on WheelsThe club continues to assist Meals on Wheels and all those who have delivered meals, are reporting what a positive experience it has been (even in the rain).
Meals on Wheels | 2020-06-24 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
6/24/2020 Zoom MeetingSpeaker: Stephanie Yoder WOW The HHEF has been so busy providing learning grants and inspiring programs that it is impossible for me to list them all here. so I would please ask that you click on the link and read about the many grants that were awarded and for what...its pretty impressive! So many different grants, Innovative learning grants and Classroom Grants. In addition, they also provided donation to H.A.T Packs. We at Hatboro Rotary are pleased that we continue to donate to this outstanding organization! |
6/24/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-06-24 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
OF INTEREST | 2020-06-22 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
6/17/2020 Zoom MeetingSpeaker: Kathy Bademan Laughter Yoga World Peace through laughter! 10-15 minutes of Laughter Yoga equals 15-30 minutes of Cardio . We practiced some laughter yoga exercises during this zoom meeting. Good to laugh! Thanks Kathy. You can join a laughter yoga class with Kathy at nourishing storm once a month. To learn more, please visit Kathy's website |
6/17/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-06-22 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Lars KnudsonWe were pleased to welcome newly graduated HHHS senior Lars Knudson to our Zoom Meeting this morning. Lars received a Rotary Scholarship from Hatboro Rotary. He will be attending the University of Maryland and we have no doubt he will do well.
Lars Knudson | 2020-06-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Rev Josh Blakesley..The Welcome Project PAWe were pleased to have Rev Josh Blakesley join us on Zoom this morning to tell us about the Welcome Project PA which is here in Hatboro. The Welcome Project PA strives to be a diverse, safe place for marginalized and vulnerable populations and seeks to bring about positive social change to improve the quality of life for these individuals and families in the Philadelphia suburbs. It provides many services such as educational services , support groups, activities, interfaith services, immigration help, LGBTQ+ friendly and many more services. Please visit their website for more info
Rev Josh Blakesley..The Welcome Project PA | 2020-06-10 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
6/3/2020 Zoom MeetingSpeaker: Diane Hegele, Borough Manager $2.5 million in grants received. here are a few
The YMCA property has been sold finally and Victorian Village will be in front of the PC in June for their Land Development application. The Borough was approached recently by DVRPC for a new grant initiative they are launching called EXPO, it is an experimental initiative they want to fund in hopes of doing more permanent projects. Although our list of needs is long, we were told to limit to one only Sadly we had to close our pool this year, this was a difficult decision but was necessary to protect the pool patrons and staff. I was recently chosen to participate in a county economic recovery team that will meet to discuss and collaborate on ways we can share info and look to help others navigate the financial impacts on municipal budgets as a result of COVID-19. I continue to spend time participating and reaching out to legislators to make sure Hatboro’s voice is heard and money from the government does come back to Hatboro. Borough Hall is still operating under reduced hours and that staff is always available to assist outside those hours. Our PW staff is still working out of separate locations, this decision was made as we are a small department and if one employee fell ill with COVID it could have impacted the entire department. All services, hours of operation and locations will be revaluated as we move through the Governor’s phases. I want to thank all of our employees for all their hard work during the COVID pandemic. It was not easy at times, they were worried about coming in contact with others, worked in different conditions, but they all rose to the task and did it like they always do. We have a great bunch of employees who really care about Hatboro. COVID-19 update, today we have had 27 positive tests and sadly lost one resident. Council continues to work very hard to keep the community informed. We have hosted several virtual town halls and there is one tonight at 6:30 PM. Please tune in. All Borough meetings have resumed virtually. Most of you may have seen the Hatboro Rock Project. Those rocks along with several communities signs and sights have been featured or will be featured in publications and literature by the University of Pittsburgh (walk works grant) and Montgomery County. . Some things Stephanie she has been working on: · Launched the My Hatboro platform · Started the My Hatboro Merchants Group · Worked with staff on the Hatboro Now Directory · Working with County on new Hatboro Business start up guide for when Hatboro resumes full business operation. The Women Owned Business Group has their first meeting today, this is being overseen by Kristen Ritter at Nourishing Storm, if you are interested reach out to her. The newly formed Hatboro Business Recovery Task Force meets today. Please stay tuned for initiatives and news forthcoming from this group. Stephanie will lead this group along with elected officials, staff, Chamber of Commerce and business owners. This group will work to bring people back to Hatboro and also help with guidance on reopening. If you are a business owner and you have not met Stephanie or are not getting her weekly email updates, please reach out to her. Some businesses have asked why the Borough could not lobby the Governor to reopen non-essential business. The Governor advised municipalities if they did not follow the guidelines they may risk loss of state funding. Some of the funding we receive, this list is not inclusive.
Thank you to our business community for helping the community. The signs posted we are Hatboro Strong, Love is not Lost, Kindness if free, the community dinners at the Dish, people helping the residents of Moreland Towers who could not go out, the sign in the window at the Dish honoring Sgt. Petrik, businesses embracing the change, I could go on. We are a great town. I will end my presentation to give you an update on our Police Department. Sadly on March 30th I received a call from Chief Gardner, about the passing of one of our Police Officers, Sgt. James Petrik. Jim was a 21 year veteran of the department, he left behind his wife Lynn and his three sons, Jimmy, Jason and Justin. Jim served his country in the USMC (his son is following in his footsteps). I was fortunate to know and work with Jim and can tell you he loved his job, he loved his country, he loved his family and he loved Hatboro. He will be missed. Current events are not making our police officer’s job easy. In March, the same day we all learned we were going to have to stay home, I joined Mayor Guenst and Councilwoman Ostrander in Harrisburg to see our Police Department and Chief Gardner accept the honor of accreditation. Our PD is now 1 of a 118 in the State who have achieved accreditation status. Accreditation is good, we have well trained police officers who are very disciplined along with sound policies and excellent leadership, you are in good hands in Hatboro. Mayor Guenst, Borough Council and myself support and back our PD 100 plus percent. They are a great bunch of guys who love Hatboro, the residents, business community and visitors. These men and women want what is best for Hatboro. |
6/3/2020 Zoom Meeting | 2020-06-08 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
5/13/2020 ZOOM meetingAnother successful Zoom gathering of the club (so nice to see everyone)! First the updates:
Today's Program: So pleased to have DJ, Erin and Patsy from H.A.T Packs join us. These ladies and their Army of workers have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the pandemic. Initially, they expanded the weekly weekend meals to providing breakfast and lunch for 5 days. This is now being taken care of by the school District. Additionally, HAT Packs has been working closely with Jackie and Tony at the dish to provide free meals 2 days a week (about 200-500 families). There are many community organizations which have stepped up to keep people fed. They also continue with normal HAT PACK meals which are packed and delivered by the Army of HAT Pack volunteers. If that's not enough, volunteers have been running St John's Lutheran food pantry. . Below are ways in which you can contribute.
To support H.A.T. Packs in their mission please consider donating to or check made payable to HAT Packs mailing address: 22 Harding Ave, Hatboro PA 19040 Visit our Amazon wishlist or shop for individual serving sized shelf stable items and drop off at St John's Pantry Tuesday-Thursday 11am-1pm or Hatboro Dish 8am-2pm
5/13/2020 ZOOM meeting | 2020-05-13 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
ZOOM MeetingWe had a great virtual club meeting today on Zoom...great turnout. Be sure and join the club next Wed at noon on zoom...log in info will be coming from Linda. Nancy and Stephanie updated us on what is happening in Hatboro to keep residents informed and businesses kept up to date on what is happening, Hatboro was ne of the first in the county to get emergency funding. Council meetings are being streamed so you can all listen in. BZ (Bravo Zulu) to HAT Packs and the Dish for keeping the community fed. Please be sure to order from our local restaurants! Stay well everyone!
ZOOM Meeting | 2020-04-29 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Greetings!Greetings everyone, I hope this finds everyone well and adjusting to social distancing. A reminder to please support local businesses...lots of curbside pickups going on. A huge shout out to H.A.T. packs,who not only do meals for kids but have been doing free dinners twice a week in concert with The Dish. The dish is also a local hero as they have been doing meals for curbside pickup....these meals are substantial! Also others around town, Lochel's , Nonno's, Quigs, Silvio's....please support our local businesses..I know I missed a few, email me and I'll add them. From my own neighborhood! We are putting signs on our lawns and hopefully you will see more around town. Such as these! (thank you to my neighbor Kris Gerlach for the signs!) District 7430 (our Rotary District) has applied for a $25,000 Rotary International Disaster Grant. Hatboro Rotary has applied to be part of that grant in order to support the efforts HAT Packs is undertaking to support the community at this time. Each club that applied is expected to receive 1500 in grant money. We will let everyone know as soon as a decision has been made. What's happening where you are? Just remember we are ALL in this together.
Greetings! | 2020-04-14 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
DISTRICT CONFERENCEFROM DG HERB: For the health and safety of all our Rotarians, the April 24-26, 2020 District 7430 Conference is cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. For all those who registered, you will be receiving separate credit card refunds for both the registration fee and the hotel deposit, if applicable.
DISTRICT CONFERENCE | 2020-03-16 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
Reginald A Howard..Mental Health Advocate![]() Welcome Reginald Howard, Mental Health Advocate. Although he is not a Licensed Mental Health Worker, Reginald uses his own life experiences to empower people to use their personal life struggles as strengths. He acts as a change agent in saving lives. Works with NAMI, Has a Black Mental Health Podcast and strives to turn peoples suffering into success. His goal is helping people learn the tools to work through the mental pain we all experience from traumatic experiences. Thank you for joining us today.
Reginald A Howard..Mental Health Advocate | 2020-03-11 04:00:00Z | 0 | |||||||||
4 Way Test Speech ContestHatboro Rotary held our 4 Way Speech contest earlier today! Congratulations to all the contestants . Takes a lot of preparation time, energy and nerve to get up in front of a room of people and give a 5 minute presentation. The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do is a test used by Rotarians world-wide as a moral code for personal and business relationships. The test can be applied to almost any aspect of life. ... It was later adopted by Rotary International, the global federation of Rotary service clubs.